Eyeglass Solutions Publication
ADAF - Administration Guide





Autonomous Storage Failover


Application Server

Storage Configuration


Application Server reads and writes data from and to the PowerScale cluster. Data is stored on the PowerScale and accessed through SMB or NFS protocols.

For configuring SMB share or NFS export on the PowerScale, refer to OneFS configuration documentation.


DFS Namespace

For the case that data is stored on the PowerScale as SMB service and accessed through Microsoft DFS namespace, we can integrate with Eyeglass DFS Mode Failover.


  1. Configure DFS Folder Target for accessing the data by using DFS namespace UNC format. Notes for Eyeglass DFS Mode Failover, we configure the DFS Folder target as Dual Folder Targets.  Refer to this document for detail  procedure Example



  1. Map network drive to Windows Server by using DFS namespace UNC. Example





Eyeglass DR

Eyeglass DR supports 4 different types of Failover:

  • SyncIQ Policy Failover
  • DFS Mode Failover
  • Access Zone Failover
  • IP Pool Failover


The most common types of Failover for integration with autonomous storage failover are DFS Mode and Access Zone Failover.

Eyeglass DFS Mode Failover

Refer to Eyeglass DFS Mode Failover configuration document link


Eyeglass Access Zone Failover

Refer to Eyeglass Access Zone Failover configuration document link


Creating Eyeglass REST API Token


Eyeglass API Guide

We need to generate REST API token on the Eyeglass appliance to be used by external component to access Eyeglass.



  1. Open the Superna Eyeglass REST API settings  from the Eyeglass Main Menu


  1. Click on Create New Token button and enter a name to reference the token



  1. Click OK and the new token will be shown in Tokens list
  2. Click the Token from the list to copy to clipboard and we can paste to our code for connection to Eyeglass



Using Curl Command to Retrieve IDs Related to Failover


Run the following curl command from Eyeglass appliance

  1. To retrieve PowerScale ID (Source Cluster ID and Target Cluster ID)



curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'api_key: igls-xxxxxxxxxx' -k 'https://xx.xx.xx.xx/sera/v1/nodes'


Replace igls-xxxxxxx with the API token

Replace xx.xx.xx.xx with the IP Address of Eyeglas Appliance



Example of the output



Source Cluster ID = dg-isi34_005056a46190d0a99a634405e3a211305c49

Target Cluster ID = dg-isi38_005056a4885736b19a6389001550ffc12935


  1. To retrieve Failover Target ID (ID for the policy to be failed over (for the case of DFS Mode failover))


curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'api_key: igls-xxxxxxxxxx' -k 'https://xx.xx.xx.xx/sera/v1/nodes/<source-cluster-id>/policies/<name-of-synciq-policy>'


Replace igls-xxxxxxx with the API token

Replace xx.xx.xx.xx with the IP Address of Eyeglas Appliance

Replace <source-cluster-id>  with Source Cluster ID

Replace <name-of-synciq-policy> with the name of SyncIQ Policy that needs to be failed over.


Example of the output


{"failoverReadiness":{"status":"INFO"},"id":"policy-dg-isi34_azdata-policy1","name":"azdata-policy1","readinessDetail":[{"name":"OneFS SyncIQ Readiness","status":{"status":"INFO"},...


Failover Target ID: policy-dg-isi34_azdata-policy1


  1. To retrieve Failover Target ID (ID for the policy to be failed over (for the case of Access Zone failover))


curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'api_key: igls-xxxxxxxxxx' -k 'https://xx.xx.xx.xx/sera/v1/nodes/<source-cluster-id>/zones/<name-of-access-zone>'


Replace igls-xxxxxxx with the API token

Replace xx.xx.xx.xx with the IP Address of Eyeglas Appliance

Replace <source-cluster-id>  with Source Cluster ID

Replace <name-of-access-zone> with the name of Access Zone that needs to be failed over.


Example of the output


{"failoverReadiness":{"status":"INFO"},"id":"zone-dg-isi34_az-data2","name":"az-data2","readinessDetail":[{"name":"Zone Path Validation","status":{"status":"OK"}, …


Access Zone ID = zone-dg-isi34_az-data2


Autonomous Failover Code

This autonomous Failover Code consists of the following functions:


  1. Monitoring condition
  2. Detecting event that matches Failover Requirement Condition
  3. Send Email Alert
  4. Trigger Failover from Eyeglass
  5. Pre and Post Failover step


Depending on the use case, type of Failover and our requirements, we place these autonomous Failover Code modules on the Eyeglass appliance and / or Application server.


Failover Requirement Condition - Monitoring and Fault Detection

We specify the condition that must be met as a trigger for Failover. One way to determine this requirement is based on the accessibility of the PowerScale cluster from the Application Server through SMB / NFS protocols.

Define a simple test (text)  file and place it under SMB / NFS path to let the code to continuously perform read / write tests against that test file.

Upon failing to do  so indicates Primary Storage inaccessibility and determine to trigger the failover through Eyeglass.




E-mail Alert Notification Configuration


As the  commonly used SMTP for E-mail alert notifications is through gmail SMTP, the following configuration is based on the Gmail App Password Configuration.


An App Password is a 16-digit passcode that gives a less secure app or device permission to access Google Account for sending e-mail. App Passwords can only be used with Google accounts that have 2-Step Verification turned on


  1. Go to the Google Account Settings.
  2. Select Security.
  3. Under "Signing in to Google," select App Passwords. You may need to sign in.
  4. At the bottom, choose Select app and choose the app you are using and then Select device and choose the device you’re using and then Generate.
  5. Follow the instructions to enter the App Password. The App Password is the 16-character code in the yellow bar on your device.
  6. Tap Done.


For further information refer to gmail app password document.


Trigger Failover from Eyeglass

Upon detecting an event condition that matches Failover requirement condition, the Autonomous Failover code will run curl command for executing Eyeglass REST API failover command.

For creating Eyeglass API Token refer this section

For getting IDs related to failover refer to this section




Code Variable for Failover


We need to have the following information to set some variables in this code.



IGLS_SERVER_IPEyeglass Appliance IP Address
IGLS_API_KEYEyeglass API Token - Refer to this step for creating Eyeglass API Token
SOURCE_IDSpecify PowerScale Cluster Source ID - refer to this step
TARGET_IDSpecify PowerScale Cluster Target ID - refer to this step
FAILOVER_TARGETSpecify PowerScale Failover Target - refer to this step
PRIMARY_SERVERSpecify Primary Application Server
SECONDARY_SERVERSpecify Secondary Application Server
SMTP_PORT Specify SMTP Server Port
FROM_ADDRSpecify Sender E-mail Address
TO_ADDRSpecify Recipient E-mail Address

Specify E-mail App password

For gmail, refer to this section for creating app password

TIMERSpecify the interval of checking status (in seconds).

Specify the path of the test file for storage accessibility check. Set the test file on the network drive mapped from PowerScale SMB Share (through DFS Namespace UNC) or mounted NFS export




Autonomous Failover Code in PowerShell

For the case if the Autonomous Failover Code needs to be run from Windows Server through PowerShell (Example integration with Windows Cluster Network Load Balancing), we can use Autonomous Failover code in PowerShell.

PowerShell - Eyeglass Security Certificate handling

We need to run the following PowerShell Command to allow certificate handling for executing Eyeglass failover  curl command from the Windows Server  PowerShell




if (-not("dummy" -as [type])) {

    add-type -TypeDefinition @"

using System;

using System.Net;

using System.Net.Security;

using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;


public static class Dummy {

    public static bool ReturnTrue(object sender,

        X509Certificate certificate,

        X509Chain chain,

        SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors) { return true; }


    public static RemoteCertificateValidationCallback GetDelegate() {

        return new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(Dummy.ReturnTrue);






[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = [dummy]::GetDelegate()





Code Example



#IP Address & API Key of Eyeglass

$IGLS_SERVER_IP = "<#Specify Eyeglass IP Address>"  #Specify Eyeglass IP Address

$IGLS_API_KEY = "<#Specify Eyeglass API Token>" #Specify Eyeglass API Token

#Failover Source & Target

$SOURCE_ID = "<#Specify PowerScale Cluster Source ID>" #Specify PowerScale Cluster Source ID

$TARGET_ID = "<#Specify PowerScale Cluster Target ID>" #Specify PowerScale Cluster Target ID

$FAILOVER_TARGET = "<#Specify PowerScale Failover Target>" #Specify PowerScale Failover Target

#Primary Server & Secondary Server

$PRIMARY_SERVER = "<#Specify Primary Windows Server>" #Specify Primary Server

$SECONDARY_SERVER = "<#Specify Secondary Windows Server>" #Specify Secondary Server

#CURL Command

$URI1 = "https://$($IGLS_SERVER_IP)/sera/v2/jobs/failover?sourceid=$($SOURCE_ID)&targetid=$($TARGET_ID)&failovertarget=$($FAILOVER_TARGET)&controlled=true&datasync=true&configsync=false&resyncprep=true&disablemirror=false&quotasync=true&blockonwarnings=true&rollbackrenameshares=true&smbdataintegrity=false"

#E-mail Settings

$SMTP_SERVER = "<#Specify SMTP Server>" #Specify SMTP Server

$SMTP_PORT = "<#Specify SMTP Server Port>" #Specify SMTP Server Port

$FROM_ADDR = "<#Specify Sender E-mail Address>" #Specify Sender E-mail Address

$TO_ADDR = "<#Specify Recipient E-mail Address>" #Specify Recipient E-mail Address

# E-mail App Password

$APP_PASS = "<#Specify Password>" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force

#Message & Subject for Primary Storage Fault Detection

$message2 = "Detect Primary Storage is not Accessible.Storage Failover to Secondary PowerScale is started"

$Subject = "Detect Primary Storage is not Accessible.Storage Failover to Secondary PowerScale is started"

#Timer in seconds

$TIMER = "30"

#Test File

$Outfile = "z:\test\test-write-file.txt"


function FailoverPriToSec {

#Initiate Failover from Primary to Secondary PowerScale


$failovercmd = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $URI1 -Verbose:$false -Headers @{

    'Accept' = 'application/json'

    'api_key' = $IGLS_API_KEY

    'Content-Type' = 'application/json'


$failoverstatus = $failovercmd.id.ToString()

$URI2 = "https://$($IGLS_SERVER_IP)/sera/v2/jobs/failover/$($failoverstatus)"

Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $URI2 -Verbose:$false -Headers @{

    'Accept' = 'application/json'

    'api_key' = $IGLS_API_KEY


Start-Sleep -Seconds $TIMER


Do {

$fostatus = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $URI2 -Verbose:$false -Headers @{

    'Accept' = 'application/json'

    'api_key' = $IGLS_API_KEY





$jobstatus = $fostatus.jobStatusDetails.status

$jobstate = $fostatus.jobStatusDetails.state.ToString()

Write-Host "Failover is $jobstate ! with Status $jobstatus"

$message2 = "Failover is $jobstate ! with Status $jobstatus . Please check Eyeglass Failover Log for further information"

$Subject = "Failover is $jobstate ! with Status $jobstatus"

if ($jobstate -eq "FINISHED") {


$response = "F"


else {


Start-Sleep -Seconds $TIMER




until ($response -eq "F")



function SendEmail {

$Body = $message2

$Credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $FROM_ADDR, $APP_PASS

Send-MailMessage -From $FROM_ADDR -To $TO_ADDR -Subject $Subject -Body $Body -SmtpServer $SMTP_SERVER -port $SMTP_PORT -UseSsl -Credential $Credential





do {

Try {


Write-Host "Primary Storage is accessible"

Start-Sleep -Seconds $TIMER


Catch {

Write-Warning "Primary Storage is NOT accessible. Failover to Secondary Storage is started!"



$response = "A"



until ($response -eq "A")





Autonomous Failover Code in Python

The following example is for the case if the Autonomous Failover Code needs to be run from the Application Server as Python code.


Code Example





import sys, time, requests, urllib3, json, smtplib, socket


#Specify the following Eyeglass parameters accordingly

IGLS_API_KEY="<replace with Eyeglass REST API Token>"

IGLS_SERVER_IP="<replace with Eyeglass IP address"

#Specify Source Cluster ID, Target Cluster ID, Access Zone ID for Failover

SOURCE_ID="<replace with Source Cluster ID>"

TARGET_ID="<replace with Target Cluster ID>"

FAILOVER_TARGET="<replace with Access Zone ID>"

#TEST_TIME in seconds



#Specify checker test file path and file name

TESTFILEPATH= "/mnt/autofail/www/root"

TESTFILENAME= "demotest.html"


faults = 0

#Specify SMTP Server, SMTP Port number,Sender and Recipient e-mail address, App password, Interval

SMTP_SERVER="<replace with SMTP Server IP Address / FQDN>"

SMTP_PORT="<replace with SMTP Port number>"

FROM_ADDR="<replace with Sender e-mail address for notification>"

TO_ADDR="<replace with Recipient e-mail address that will receive notification>"

APP_PASS="<replace with APP Password for emailing>"

#E-mail Notification during Failover time interval in seconds




print("Monitor file is:", filepath)

print("Test Time=",TEST_TIME,"s")

print("Max Faults=",MAX_FAULTS)

def testFile():


        file = open(filepath, mode='r', encoding='utf-8')


        print ("File is readable")


    except OSError:

        print ("File is not readable")


def clearFaults():

    global faults


def faultDetected():

    global faults

    faults +=1

    print (faults)

def checkForAction(totalFaults, maxFaults):

    # Are we in an evaluated fault state?

    # Simple, single dimensional test to check the number

    # of accumulated faults vs the number of tolerable faults.

    # return True or False

    if (totalFaults > maxFaults):

        return True

    return False

def failOver():

    #issues curl command to execute a failover.

    global faults


    print ("Failing Over from "+SOURCE_ID+" to "+TARGET_ID+"!")

    url     = "https://"+IGLS_SERVER_IP+"/sera/v2/jobs/failover?sourceid="+SOURCE_ID+"&targetid="+TARGET_ID+"&failovertarget="+FAILOVER_TARGET+"&controlled=true&datasync=true&configsync=false&resyncprep=true&disablemirror=false&quotasync=true&blockonwarnings=true&rollbackrenameshares=true&smbdataintegrity=false"

    headers = {




    res = requests.post(url, headers=headers, verify=False)

    json_data = json.loads(res.text)

    myid = json_data['id']

    url     = "https://"+IGLS_SERVER_IP+"/sera/v2/jobs/failover/"+myid

    headers = {




    myid2 = 'START'

    myid3 = 'START'


        while myid2 != 'FINISHED':

            print ("Failover is In progress!")


            res = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=False)

            json_data2 = json.loads(res.text)

            myid2 = json_data2['jobStatusDetails']['state']

            if myid2 == 'RUNNING':

                print ("State : RUNNING")



            myid3 = json_data2['jobStatusDetails']['status']

            if myid3 == 'OK':

                print ("Current Status : OK!")

            elif myid3 == 'ERROR':

                print ("Current Status : ERROR. Please check Eyeglass Failover log for details")


                print ("Current Status : WARNING. Please check Eyeglass Failover log for details")

        print ("Failover from "+SOURCE_ID+" to "+TARGET_ID+" is FINISHED! and the result: "+myid3)




        print ('\nException occurs! Please check Eyeglass Failover log for details')


#Defined SendMail

def sendMail(message):


        server = smtplib.SMTP(SMTP_SERVER,SMTP_PORT,timeout=10)



        server.login(FROM_ADDR,APP_PASS )



    except socket.error as e:

        print ("Error: unable to send email")

#Send Mail 1 for alert Fault Detection

def sendEmail():

    message = f"""From: {FROM_ADDR}


Subject: Faults Detected! : Failover from {SOURCE_ID} to {TARGET_ID} will be started!

Faults Detected : Failover from {SOURCE_ID} to {TARGET_ID} will be started!.



#Send Mail 2 for Finished status

def sendEmail2(status):

    message = f"""From: {FROM_ADDR}


Subject: Failover from {SOURCE_ID} to {TARGET_ID} is FINISHED with Status {status} !

Failover from {SOURCE_ID} to {TARGET_ID} is FINISHED with Status {status} !. Please refer to Eyeglass Failover Log for further information.



#Send Mail 3 for Running State update

def sendEmail3(state):

    message = f"""From: {FROM_ADDR}


Subject: Failover from {SOURCE_ID} to {TARGET_ID} is IN PROGRESS with State {state} !

Failover from {SOURCE_ID} to {TARGET_ID} is still in PROGRESS with State : {state} !




def main():

    # simple loop to issue a failover  command if a set number of faults are

    # incurred within a given interval



        if checkForAction(faults,MAX_FAULTS):

            # our only action here - modify and modularize (function)

            # to have more allowable actions






Pre and Post Failover Step

Many failover scenarios depend on extra steps performed on devices, software, and infrastructure external to the NAS cluster.  These tasks can now be automated with output captured and appended to Eyeglass failover logic logs. Example: NFS host mount and remount automation.


Pre and Post Failover Steps are integrated to Eyeglass Failover logic by creating the scripting code and placing it as Pre / Post / Unified Failover Steps and enable it as part of the Failover.





The pre/post failover step will execute remote script that is stored on the remote machine (e.g. application server)



Example for Pre and Post Failover for unmount and remount NFS Export on Application Server



Refer to Eyeglass Pre Post Failover Scripting Guide document for further detailed information.



Pre Failover Script (Unmount) Example




echo starting unmount remotely called script on remote hosts

echo source-cluster: $SOURCE

echo zone data: $ZONE_DATA


echo name of user that runs the script : $me

if (echo "$ZONE_DATA" | grep -q '"source":{"name":"autoFail"') && (echo "$SOURCE" | grep -q '"name":"dem-src-01"'); then

   echo found autofail failover zonename

# remotely execute the remount.sh script on the remote host (NOTE: requires ssh pub keys from eyeglass on the remote host)

   rc=$(ssh admin@<PRI_SVR_IP_ADDR> ./umount.sh)

   rc2=$(ssh admin@<SEC_SVR_IP_ADDR> ./umount.sh)

# remote script runs and returns output, can be output below to be captured in the failover log

   echo result of host script was: $rc

   echo result of host script was: $rc2


    echo did not find autofail failover zonename to process


if (echo "$ZONE_DATA" | grep -q '"source":{"name":"autoFail"') && (echo "$SOURCE" | grep -q '"name":"dem-dr-01"'); then

   echo found autofail failback zonename

# remotely execute the remount.sh script on the remote host (NOTE: requires ssh pub keys from eyeglass on the remote host)

   rc=$(ssh admin@<PRI_SVR_IP_ADDR> ./umount.sh)

   rc2=$(ssh admin@<SEC_SVR_IP_ADDR> ./umount.sh)

# remote script runs and returns output, can be output below to be captured in the failover log

   echo result of host script was: $rc

   echo result of host script was: $rc2


    echo did not find autofail failback zonename to process





Post Failover Script (mount) Example




echo starting renmount remotely called script on remote hosts

echo source-cluster: $SOURCE

echo zone data: $ZONE_DATA


echo name of user that runs the script : $me

if (echo "$ZONE_DATA" | grep -q '"source":{"name":"autoFail"') && (echo "$SOURCE" | grep -q '"name":"dem-src-01"'); then

   echo found autofail failover zonename

# remotely execute the remount.sh script on the remote host (NOTE: requires ssh pub keys from eyeglass on the remote host)

   rc=$(ssh admin@<PRI_SVR_IP_ADDR> ./mount.sh)

   rc2=$(ssh admin@<SEC_SVR_IP_ADDR> ./mount.sh)

# remote script runs and returns output, can be output below to be captured in the failover log

   echo result of host script was: $rc

   echo result of host script was: $rc2


    echo did not find autofail failover zonename to process


if (echo "$ZONE_DATA" | grep -q '"source":{"name":"autoFail"') && (echo "$SOURCE" | grep -q '"name":"dem-dr-01"'); then

   echo found autofail failback zonename

# remotely execute the remount.sh script on the remote host (NOTE: requires ssh pub keys from eyeglass on the remote host)

   rc=$(ssh admin@<PRI_SVR_IP_ADDR> ./mount.sh)

   rc2=$(ssh admin@<SEC_SVR_IP_ADDR> ./mount.sh)

# remote script runs and returns output, can be output below to be captured in the failover log

   echo result of host script was: $rc

   echo result of host script was: $rc2


    echo did not find autofail failback zonename to process




umount.sh - Example script


#unmount script


echo "unmounting filesystem pre failover"

sudo umount -fl /mnt/autofail/www/root

mount | grep "/mnt/autofail/www/root"



mount.sh - Example script


#mount script


echo "remounting filesystem post failover"

sudo mount -a

mount | grep "/mnt/autofail/www/root"



System Information Gathering Module

System Information gathering module is configured by allowing Eyeglass appliance to  establish passwordless SSH connections to various remote machines.


Best Practices

Use the following user accounts for the setup




User account


sca (default eyeglass user for running services)


eyeglass - refer to this Eyeglass minimum permission configuration document to create this service account on PowerScale


root - or other user account with sufficient permission to run the administrative commands


administrator - or other user account with sufficient permission to run the administrative commands


Passwordless SSH Configuration

  1. ssh to Eyeglass appliance as admin user.
  2. sudo -s (to switch to root). Enter admin password.
  3. cd /opt/superna  (this is the home directory for the sca user used by Eyeglass processes).
  4. Create directory /opt/superna/.ssh
  5. Type ‘ssh-keygen -t rsa’  do not set a password and accept all default prompts but enter a path of /opt/superna/.ssh/id_rsa.
  6. su sca
  7. ssh user@remotehost (creates known_hosts file for target host, answer yes to accept ssh ID).
  8. Exit (you are now root again).
  9. cd /opt/superna/.ssh
  10. chown sca *
  11. chgrp users *
  12. ssh User@remotehost mkdir -p .ssh   (User is the user that has access to the script that must execute,  remotehost is dns or host name of remote linuxhost ) - this will create .ssh if it does not already exist.
  13. cat /opt/superna/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh User@remotehost 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys' (this places pub ssh keys into the remote users .ssh authorized keys file to allow passwordless login from a script).
  14. Enter password for User on remote host.
  15. Test SCA remote ssh:
  16. su sca
  17. ssh user@remotehost (if no pwd requested the setup is complete)  .
  18. Done.


For Windows to copy public ssh keys:


  1. cat /opt/superna/.ssh/id_rsa.pub (to get the content of the id_rsa.pub file)
  2. Copy the content of id_rsa.pub file to .ssh/authorized_keys file on windows server (this places pub ssh keys into the remote users .ssh/authorized keys file to allow passwordless login from eyeglass). We can use text editor to copy the content of id_rsa.pub file to the authorized_keys file


OpenSSH for Windows : Allowing SSH connection using public ssh key


Edit sshd_config file (default path: C:\ProgramData\ssh\sshd_config) and set this parameter to yes


PubkeyAuthentication yes



Module Codes


Main Python Code

This main python code is stored and executed from Eyeglass.

As the user on Eyeglass used for establishing passwordless SSH to remote machines is sca, we can place the main python code under /opt/superna folder that is owned by sca user.







Place the main python code in this directory

/opt/superna/mycode/mylogsCreate the sub-directory for placing the gathered logs







import urllib3, subprocess


import sys

#Linux Commands

LINCMD1 = "cat"

LINCMD2= "/etc/os-release"

LINCMD3 = "python3 -V"

LIN_SCRIPT_DIR = "/<direcgtory-path>"  # Specify the directory path where we store the script on a remote linux machine. Example: /home/myadmin/

LIN_SC1 = "script1.sh" # Specify the script file name

LIN_SC2 = "script2.sh" # Specify the script file name



#Windows Commands

WIN_SCRIPT_DIR = "/mytest1/" # Specify the directory path where we store the powershell script on remote windows machine

WIN_PS1 = "gather.ps1"   # Specify the powershell script file name

WIN_PS2 = "compress.ps1" # Specify the powershell script file name

PS = "powershell.exe "



#PowerScale OneFS command

OFS1 = "isi version"

OFS2 = "isi status -v"

#ZIP Path

REMOTE_ZIP_PATH = ":/var/mytest*.zip"   # Specify the remote zip path from linux machine

LOCAL_ZIP_PATH = "/opt/superna/mytest/testlogs"  # Specify the local path in Eyeglass to store copy zip file

WIN_ZIP_PATH = ":/Users/Administrator/*_diagnostics.zip"  # Specify the remote zip path from windows machine

#List of Machines refer to .ssh/config file

host = ['linserver1','linserver2' ] # linux servers

winhost = ['winserver1','winserver2'] # windows servers

isilon = ['isilon1','isilon2']  # PowerScale /Isilon clusters


def onefs_gather():

    for i in range(len(isilon)):

        result1 = subprocess.check_output(['ssh', isilon[i], OFS1])

        print ("OneFS version : ", isilon[i], result1.decode("utf-8"), sep = "\n")

        result2 = subprocess.check_output(['ssh', isilon[i], OFS2])

        print ("OneFS Status : ", isilon[i], result2.decode("utf-8"), sep = "\n")


def lin_gather():

    for i in range(len(host)):


        result = subprocess.check_output(['ssh', host[i], LINCMD1 , LINCMD2])

        print ("Host : ", host[i], result.decode("utf-8"), sep = "\n")

        result2 = subprocess.check_output(['ssh', host[i], LINCMD3])

        print ("Python version : ", host[i], result2.decode("utf-8"), sep = "\n")

        result3 = subprocess.check_output(['ssh', host[i], LINCMD4])

        print ("Network Info : ", host[i], result3.decode("utf-8"), sep = "\n")

        result4 = subprocess.check_output(['ssh', host[i], LINCMD5])

        print ("System Info : ", host[i], result4.decode("utf-8"), sep = "\n")

        result5 = subprocess.run(['scp', host[i] + REMOTE_ZIP_PATH , LOCAL_ZIP_PATH])



def win_gather():

    for i in range(len(winhost)):

        result = subprocess.check_output(['ssh', winhost[i], WINCMD1])

        print ("WinServer : ", winhost[i], result.decode("utf-8"), sep = "\n")

        result2 = subprocess.check_output(['ssh', winhost[i], WINCMD2])

        print ("WinServer : ", winhost[i], result2.decode("utf-8"), sep = "\n")

        result3 = subprocess.run(['scp', winhost[i] + WIN_ZIP_PATH , LOCAL_ZIP_PATH])


def main():










Locally Stored Commands


On Linux Server

The following scripts are placed on the remote Linux servers. The main code on the Eyeglass appliance will call and execute these scripts on Linux servers.


The path location and the name of the scripts should also be reflected in the main code

LIN_SCRIPT_DIR = "/<direcgtory-path>"  # Specify the directory path where we store the script on a remote linux machine. Example: /home/myadmin/

LIN_SC1 = "script1.sh" # Specify the script file name

LIN_SC2 = "script2.sh" # Specify the script file name



Folder location: /home/myadmin/

Script #1 : /home/myadmin/script1.sh

Script #2 : /home/yadmin/script2.sh




This script is stored in the Linux server to be run remotely to gather the network information and also to zip the /var/log directory




cd /var

zip -r "mytest-$(hostname)-$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%T").zip"  log/




This script is stored in the Linux server to be run remotely to gather some other system information.




echo -e "-------------------------------System Information----------------------------"

echo -e "Hostname:\t\t"`hostname`

echo -e "uptime:\t\t\t"`uptime | awk '{print $3,$4}' | sed 's/,//'`

echo -e "Manufacturer:\t\t"`cat /sys/class/dmi/id/chassis_vendor`

echo -e "Product Name:\t\t"`cat /sys/class/dmi/id/product_name`

echo -e "Version:\t\t"`cat /sys/class/dmi/id/product_version`

echo -e "Serial Number:\t\t"`cat /sys/class/dmi/id/product_serial`

echo -e "Machine Type:\t\t"`vserver=$(lscpu | grep Hypervisor | wc -l); if [ $vserver -gt 0 ]; then echo "VM"; else echo "Physical"; fi`

echo -e "Operating System:\t"`hostnamectl | grep "Operating System" | cut -d ' ' -f5-`

echo -e "Kernel:\t\t\t"`uname -r`

echo -e "Architecture:\t\t"`arch`

echo -e "Processor Name:\t\t"`awk -F':' '/^model name/ {print $2}' /proc/cpuinfo | uniq | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'`

echo -e "Active User:\t\t"`w | cut -d ' ' -f1 | grep -v USER | xargs -n1`

echo -e "System Main IP:\t\t"`hostname -I`

echo ""

echo -e "-------------------------------CPU/Memory Usage------------------------------"

echo -e "Memory Usage:\t"`free | awk '/Mem/{printf("%.2f%"), $3/$2*100}'`

echo -e "Swap Usage:\t"`free | awk '/Swap/{printf("%.2f%"), $3/$2*100}'`

echo -e "CPU Usage:\t"`cat /proc/stat | awk '/cpu/{printf("%.2f%\n"), ($2+$4)*100/($2+$4+$5)}' |  awk '{print $0}' | head -1`

echo ""

echo -e "-------------------------------Disk Usage >80%-------------------------------"

df -Ph | sed s/%//g | awk '{ if($5 > 80) print $0;}'

echo ""


echo -e "-------------------------------For WWN Details-------------------------------"

vserver=$(lscpu | grep Hypervisor | wc -l)

if [ $vserver -gt 0 ]


echo "$(hostname) is a VM"


cat /sys/class/fc_host/host?/port_name


echo ""


echo -e "-------------------------------Oracle DB Instances---------------------------"

if id oracle >/dev/null 2>&1; then

/bin/ps -ef|grep pmon



echo "oracle user does not exist on $(hostname)"


echo ""


if (( $(cat /etc/*-release | grep -w "Oracle|Red Hat|CentOS|Fedora" | wc -l) > 0 ))


echo -e "-------------------------------Package Updates-------------------------------"

yum updateinfo summary | grep 'Security|Bugfix|Enhancement'

echo -e "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"


echo -e "-------------------------------Package Updates-------------------------------"

cat /var/lib/update-notifier/updates-available

echo -e "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"






On Windows Servers

The following scripts are placed on the remote Windows servers. The main code on the Eyeglass appliance will call and execute these scripts on Windows servers.


The path location and the name of the scripts should also be reflected in the main code

WIN_SCRIPT_DIR = "/mytest1/" # Specify the directory path where we store the powershell script on remote windows machine

WIN_PS1 = "gather.ps1"   # Specify the powershell script file name

WIN_PS2 = "compress.ps1" # Specify the powershell script file name



Folder location: C:/mytest1, we specify the variable as WIN_SCRIPT_DIR = "/mytest1/"

Script #1 : C:/mytest1/gather.ps1

Script #2 : C:/mytest1/compress.ps1


This powershell script is to gather event logs, system information and network information of Windows Server.




# clean previous outfile

$folder = Test-Path -PathType Container -Path "c:\$env:computername"

if ($folder -eq $true) {

Remove-Item -Path "c:\$env:computername" -Force -Recurse | Out-Null


Write-Host ""


# Event Logs in evtx format

New-Item -Path "c:\$env:computername\eventlogs" -ItemType "directory" | Out-Null

Set-Location -Path "c:\$env:computername\eventlogs"

Write-Host "Retrieving Event Logs unfiltered." -ForegroundColor Yellow

wevtutil epl System "systemlog.evtx"

wevtutil epl Setup "setuplog.evtx"

wevtutil epl Security "securitylog.evtx"

wevtutil epl Application "applicationlog.evtx"

Write-Host "   Completed .evtx log files." -ForegroundColor Green



# system information

Set-Location -Path "c:\$env:computername"

Write-Host "Retrieving MSInfo32 information. This will take some time to complete. Please wait..." -ForegroundColor Yellow

msinfo32 /report msinfo32.txt | Out-Null

Write-Host "Completed MSInfo32 information." -ForegroundColor Green

Write-Host ""


# Network information

New-Item -Path "c:\$env:computername\network" -ItemType "directory" | Out-Null

Set-Location -Path "c:\$env:computername\network"

Write-Host "Retrieving Network information..." -ForegroundColor Yellow

Get-NetAdapter | Format-Table Name,ifIndex,Status,MacAddress,LinkSpeed,InterfaceDescription -AutoSize | Out-File "Get-NetAdapter.txt"

Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty | Format-Table DisplayName, DisplayValue, ValidDisplayValues | Out-File "Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty.txt" -Width 160

Write-Host "Completed Network information." -ForegroundColor Green

Write-Host ""



This powershell script is to compress the collected data on the Windows Server into a zip file.




$ProgressPreference = "Ignore"

$compress = @{

        Path = "c:\$env:computername"

        CompressionLevel = "Optimal"

        DestinationPath = $env:computername + (get-date -Format -yyyyMMdd-hhmmss) + "_diagnostics.zip"


Compress-Archive @compress -Force

Write-Host "Completed folder compression." -ForegroundColor Green


Eyeglass SSH config File

SSH config file that contains the list of remote machines is stored in the Eyeglass appliance with  the path: /opt/superna/.ssh/config

Populate this config file with the list of PowerScale cluster, Linux Server, Windows Server for passwordless SSH connections. Follow this procedure to configure passwordless SSH connections to those machines


The following example is based on this list



Machine Type


Configured User for passwordless SSH

















Host linserver1

  HostName <IP address of Linux Svr1>

  User root

Host linserver2

  HostName <IP address of Linux Svr1>

  User root

Host winserver1

  HostName <IP address of win Svr1>

  User administrator

Host winserver2

  HostName <IP address of win Svr2>

  User administrator

Host isilon1

  HostName <IP address of Isilon 1>

  User eyeglass

Host isilon2

  HostName <IP address of Isilon 2>

  User eyeglass






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