Administration Guides

Golden Copy VM Operations


Cluster Operations CLI commands

The following sections cover cluster operation commands.

How to Export Golden Copy Configuration data and Import Configuration Data

  1. Requirements: 1.1.9 or later
  2. These commands can protect the clusters added to Golden Copy and all folder definitions.  These commands can be used before a factory reset of a system and a method to backup critical configuration information including encrypted passwords for clusters and access keys.
  3. searchctl settings config export
  4. searchctl settings config importconfig

How to Start and Stop the Cluster

  1. ecactl cluster down  (use this to shutdown all services).
  2. Use this script to startup all services:
    1. ecactl cluster up 

How to Wipe Configuration and retain clusters and folder definitions

  1. Requirements: 1.1.9 or later
  2. ecactl cluster rediscover

How to Change the IP address of an PowerScale Cluster

How to change TLS security settings when connecting to clusters that do not support the highest security algorithms

How to Enable and Use PhoneHome support

How to collect support logs and submit a support case

Backing up and Restore the Cluster Configuration

How to check for Alarms

How to configure Alarm notification

Quick Start SMTP Configuration for Notifications 

Setup Syslog channel for Notifications

Setup an SMTP or syslog Channel for Notifications

Create a Notification Group

Manage Recipients for SMTP and Syslog channels

Manage Notification Suppression Alarm Configurations

How to Remove a Cluster Node from Active Copy Operations

  1. If a cluster node that was added for copy job operations is no longer required, or needs maintenance, or has performance issues it is possible to remove a node on the fly with active copy jobs.   This will stop sending files to this node(s).
    1. searchctl isilons modify --name <name of cluster> --isilon-ips x.x.x.x y.y.y.y .(Enter the list of IP's that should be used and remove the IP of the node you no longer want to receive copy job files from the list or range of IP's)
    2. See options for list of ip's or a range in "Add a cluster to Inventory" in the Golden Copy Configuration Steps guide for more details.

Simulated Data Upload Mode

Purpose and Use Case

It has been reported a low upload rate, in special for small/medium files in GC installation.

During analysis for Small files optimization, it was realized most of the time, the main bottleneck was the Dell Isilon, in special de NFS read operations. This simulated mode aims to remove that point from the archive operation and compare it with a real archive.


Note: This mode doesn’t completely remove the Isilon from the equation because we still have access to the Rest API. If we want to remove the Isilon (and GoldenCopy) completely and get metrics of direct file uploads from an AW node to AWS, then we could use

AWS client standalone application.

This tool is more intended for the Superna Customer Support team than for the customer admins.

Release is available in

search-1.1.12-22196 (November 28th 2022)

Caution when using it

Every archive operation will use simulated data during the time this mode is on (ARRAY or FILE).

Be careful with the number of different file sizes and the total size of the test dataset if the simulated mode is FILE.

Bandwidth consumption

The total size of the test dataset will be uploaded to the cloud.

Steps to run an archive test with simulated data

If enable SimulatedMode in a GC installation, it will mock any archive operation of that GC installation with random data. It must be used carefully, and be sure no scheduled archive operation will run during the test.

To run a test:

  1. Configure an archivefolder in GC for the testDataset /ifs/data/testDataset, for example d40ac260.

  2. Populate the testDataset folder with your test files.


  4. Restart the GC cluster (or AW nodes).

  5. Run searchctl archivedfolder archive --id d40ac260 --follow.

  6. When finish the tests remove ARCHIVE_SIMULATED_DATA_MODE, ARCHIVE_SIMULATED_DATA_MODE_MAX_SIZE and restart the cluster.

How does the FILE mode work in detail?

The preferred usage mode is ARRAY. In this mode, just one array of size ARCHIVE_SIMULATED_DATA_MODE_MAX_SIZE with random data is created in memory. And these unique arrays are generated at AW node startup.

The mode FILE creates on the fly a temporal file with random data for every size requested in archive operations.

Information Note: It creates the file just if it doesn’t exist yet. It uses the folder /tmp/simulated-data/ to create these files.

For example, if we have a test dataset in a Dell Isilon:


with files of 1KB and 10KB, we will end the test with this content in /tmp/simulated-data/

1>ls /tmp/simulated-data/ 21024.dat 10240.dat

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