Eyeglass All Product Installation and Upgrade Guides Publication
Add PowerScale clusters to the appliance

Add PowerScale clusters to the appliance

Overview:  This section is covering both DR monitoring and event monitoring license key functionality.

  1. DR license key cluster addition instructions follow this guide 
  2. For event monitoring only login to eyeglass appliance ip address https://x.x.x.x with admin userID and default password 3y3gl4ss
  3. Goto Add Managed Device
  4. Enter cluster management ip address typically the smartconnect subnet ip address for HA ip address management
  5. User name with minimum privileges below
  6. Once done Open Inventory tree icon on the desktop and use Refresh button  (Bottom right).  To verify complete cluster inventory is completed.
  7. If the text shows Adding….  This means it's in progress still or discovery error has occurred.   If Adding persists for more than 10 minutes, then open a support case http://support.superna.net.
  8. If it looks like the screenshot above then you are done.
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