Software Releases Publication

Current Release - Release Notes Performance Auditor


What’s New in Superna Eyeglass Performance Auditor Release 2.5.8

What’s New! In Superna Eyeglass Performance Auditor can be found here.

Supported OneFS releases





9.4 via the February RUP (PSP-3079) released Feb 8th 2023

End of Life Notifications

End of Life Notifications for all products are available here.

End of Support in 2.5.8

Following features will no longer be supported as of 2.5.8:
  1. Following OneFS releases no longer supported
    1. Support for OneFS 8.0.x.x releases removed
    2. Support for OneFS 8.1.x.x releases removed

Deprecation Notices

No deprecation notices at this time. 

Technical Advisories

Technical Advisories for all products are available here

New/Enhanced/Fixed in 2.5.8

New/Fixed in - 22116

Refer to previous build information.

New/Fixed in - 22100

Refer to previous build information.

New/Fixed in - 22080

Refer to previous 2.5.8 build information.

New/Fixed in 2.5.8-22028

Refer to previous 2.5.8 build information.

New in 2.5.8-21330

Refer to previous 2.5.8 build information.

Fixed in 2.5.8-21330


T22171 - Log4j Vulnerability - Upgrade to Log4j 2.17.0 (2.5.8-21330 and higher Log4j 2.17.0 )

New in 2.5.8-21306

NEW - OneFS 9.3 Support

Support for OneFS 9.3 is introduced in release 2.5.8.

Fixed in 2.5.8-21306

T22033 Log4j Vulnerability - CVE-2021-44228

Resolution: log4j version updated to 2.15.0 which has patch for the vulnerability.

T20097 Performance Auditor History mode is not working in

When you try to access the Performance Auditor History Mode the new tab opens but the history view is not displayed and browser returns an error message.

Resolution: History view is now available

Known Issues

T14414 Performance Auditor may double process some events

In some cases Performance Auditor may double process some events which will inflate bandwidth reported when this occurs.

Workaround: None available.

T14317 Performance Auditor Pin User does not handle special language characters

You cannot pin an AD name that contains special language characters. The GUI error is:

Error: Username <name> could not be resolved

Workaround: None available.

T14175 Performance Auditor Display Intermittently Pauses

Performance Auditor display may intermittently pause for several seconds before resuming.

Workaround: None required. Display continues and recovers showing trend after several seconds.

T16657  Sort By option does not work properly

Sort By operation is not applied to all categories.  For example a Sort By: Write may incorrectly show Read information for some categories.

Workaround: None available.

T17476 Performance Auditor Rewind Time Display incorrect when invalid time entered

If an invalid date and time are selected for Performance Auditor Rewind, an appropriate message indicating that no data was found is provided but the date and time requested are not updated in the display to indicate what the incorrect entry was.

Workaround: None available.

T17480 Performance Auditor Rewind Timer Selector issue

If you select a time for Rewind, you are blocked from setting another time that is ahead of the previously selected time.

Workaround: Refresh window and then a more recent time can be selected.

T18088 Rewind time does not indicate when no records found

If you select a rewind interval beyond where data is available, the "rewind" time displayed is the time when there are records available without any indication that there are no records at selected time

Workaround: None required. Interval selected does not have data. Interval with data is provided.

T18588 NFS users not resolved

NFS access for local users or users that could be resolved in AD are not resolved in Performance Auditor display.  They are displayed in format <IP address>:<UID> .

Workaround: Use manual process to determine user associated with UID.

T19050 Pinned User initially displayed with SID

When dragging a user from the Performance Auditor User list to be pinned, it initially is displayed in the Pinned list by SID instead of AD user name.  No impact to pinning functionality.

Workaround:  Close and reopen the Performance Auditor window and user will be displayed using AD name.

Known Limitations

T14159 Performance Auditor rates may not match Windows File Explorer rates

Performance auditor rates are based on when the application layer commits the data. Applications can copy data but not commit the data to file. This is a key difference to understand between counting packets and MB saved to a file.

For additional information please refer to Performance Auditor documentation here.

Workaround: None required

T17567 Performance Auditor Historical Records not preserved on eca cluster down/up

After issuing an eca cluster down/up (for example done as part of an upgrade), the Performance Auditor historical records are not preserved.

Workaround: None available

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