DR Configuration Guides
Logical Diagram of Multi Site Failover

Logical Diagram of Multi Site Failover

Initial Configuration / Before Failover Diagram

The following diagram displays the initial configuration / before failover for 3-sites Failover.

  • Site A: Primary Site
  • Site B: Secondary Site #1
  • Site C: Secondary Site #2

Failover A B

The following diagram illustrates the workflow for failover from A to B.  Take note step P1 (Preparation Step - prior to initiate Eyeglass Access Zone Failover) - refer to the procedure section for details.

Refer to this table for the list of the numbered steps shown in this diagram.


Failback B A

The following diagram illustrates the workflow for failback  from B to A. Refer to this table for the list of the numbered steps shown in this diagram.

Failover A C

The following diagram illustrates the workflow for failover from A to C. Take note step P1 (Preparation Step - prior to initiate Eyeglass Access Zone Failover) - refer to the procedure section for details.

Refer to this table for the list of the numbered steps shown in this diagram.

Failback C A

The following diagram illustrates the workflow for failback  from C to A. Refer to this table for the list of the numbered steps shown in this diagram.

Eyeglass Access Zone Failover Steps

This table lists the Eyeglass Access Zone Failover steps with numbers as shown in the above Failover diagrams.



  • Failover A B: Ensure there is no existing Mirror Policies between C to A. If there is existing Mirror Policies between C to A, delete first, before initiate Failover from A to B.
  • Failover A C: Ensure there is no existing Mirror Policies between B to A. If there is existing Mirror Policies between B to A, delete first, before initiate Failover from A to C.
1Ensure that there is no live access to data
2Begin Failover
4Synchronize data
5Synchronize configuration (shares/export/alias)
6Change SmartConnect Zone on Source so not to resolve by Clients
7Avoid SPN Collision
8Move SmartConnect Zone to Target
9Update SPN to allow for authentication against target
10Repoint DNS to the Target Cluster - DNS Triple Delegation
11Record schedule for SyncIQ policies being failed over
12Prevent SyncIQ policies being failed over from running
13Provide write access to data on target
14Disable SyncIQ on source and make active on target
15Set proper SyncIQ schedule on target
16Synchronize quota(s)
17Remove quotas on directories that are target of SyncIQ (PowerScale best practice)
18Refresh session to pick up DNS change (use post failover script)

Eyeglass Access Zone Failback Steps

This table lists the Eyeglass Access Zone Failback steps with numbers as shown in the above Failback diagrams.

1Ensure that there is no live access to data
2Begin Failback
4Synchronize data
5Synchronize configuration (shares/export/alias)
6Change SmartConnect Zone on Source (Secondary Cluster)  so not to resolve by Clients
7Avoid SPN Collision
8Move SmartConnect zone to Target (Primary Cluster)
9Update SPN to allow for authentication against target
10Repoint DNS to the Target Cluster - DNS Triple Delegation
11Record schedule for SyncIQ policies being failed back
12Prevent SyncIQ policies being failed back from running
13Provide write access to data on target
14Disable SyncIQ on source (Secondary Cluster) and make active on target (Primary Cluster)
15Set proper SyncIQ schedule on target (Primary Cluster)
16Synchronize quota(s)
17Remove quotas on directories that are target of SyncIQ (on Secondary Cluster)  (PowerScale best practice)
18Refresh session to pick up DNS change (use post failover script)


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