Administration Guides

RPO Calculations:


General Notes

Data for RPO calculations are based on the SyncIQ Job Reports that OneFS generates each time a SyncIQ Policy Job is run.  These reports are collected as follows:

  • When a PowerScale cluster is provisioned in Eyeglass, the last 10 reports for each SyncIQ Policy are collected.
  • Once every 5 minutes, the last 10 reports for each SyncIQ Policy are collected.
  • Reports for failed jobs are not collected and are not included in the statistics.
  • For a canceled SyncIQ Job, the RPO calculation starts when the canceled Job was started and ends when the next successful Job for that SyncIQ Policy is completed.
  • If a SyncIQ Policy is deleted in OneFS, Eyeglass summary statistics include reports for the deleted policy until they are no longer relevant for the reported time frame.

Maximum Age of Unreplicated Data

The last completion time of a SyncIQ policy does not represent your recovery point.  The “age” plot assumes the change rate of the data was the same as the last SyncIQ policy report and, this data is in flight but not yet successfully replicated.  

Example: Last successful completion of a SyncIQ policy was 10 minutes ago and, the job took 5 minutes to replicate.  

For this example, the Maximum Age of Unreplicated Data is calculated as the 10 minutes since the Job was last successfully completed + the 5 minutes it would take to replicate the data (assumed to be the same as last time a Job was successfully executed).  So, in this example, a DR event would result in 15 minutes of data being lost.

Job Duration

The Job Duration reported in Eyeglass is the Duration that is reported in the OneFS SyncIQ Report for a policy Job.

Amount of Replicated Data

The Amount of Replicated Data reported in Eyeglass is the Total Data that is reported in the OneFS SyncIQ Report for a Policy Job.

Recovery Point Analysis

Using the target RPO and average SyncIQ Job duration, data transfer rate and data change rate for a cluster, Eyeglass will calculate a recommended SyncIQ Job interval to reduce the number of Jobs that violate the target RPO.

Average Data Transfer Rate in Mb per second

The Average Data Transfer Rate reported in Eyeglass is the Total Data that is reported in the OneFS SyncIQ Report for the Cluster Policy Jobs divided by the total duration of all Jobs for the reported time period.

SyncIQ Jobs Troubleshooting

SyncIQ Policy Interval and Transfer rate are assessed against the average SyncIQ Policy interval and transfer rate over the last 30 days.  

Note: Interval is calculated as the difference between the start time of 2 consecutive SyncIQ Jobs. Interval may not be the same as the schedule, for example, if a Job takes longer to run than its schedule.

The following anomalies are reported in the daily email report by policy:

  • The number of jobs where the transfer rate is at least 50% below the average transfer rate (the measured difference factor - ie 50% - is configurable -  please refer to the Advanced Settings section of this document for details).
  • The number of SyncIQ Policy jobs that did not run in the last 24 hours, that should have been run based on the 30-day average interval.
  • The number of jobs where the interval is greater than double the average interval (the measured difference factor - ie 2x or double - is configurable - please refer to the Advanced Settings section of this document for details).
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