Administration Guides
Advanced Settings

Advanced Settings

Run SyncIQ Job Report On-Demand

To run the SyncIQ Job Report On-Demand:

  1. ssh to the Eyeglass appliance.
  2. Login as the admin user.
  3. Enter the command:

igls adv runreports

The time that the command is run is the starting time for the report and associated calculations.

Disable Screenshots for SyncIQ Job Report

To disable screenshots for the SyncIQ Job Report:

  1. ssh to the Eyeglass appliance.
  2. Login as the admin user.
  3. Enter the command:

igls adv skipscreenshots set --skip=true

(To enable screenshots: igls adv skipscreenshots set --skip=false)

Modify SyncIQ Job Report Schedule

Standard Schedule

To change the SyncIQ Job Report Schedule to a standard schedule ( 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 6M 10M 15M 20M 30M 1H 2H 3H 4H 6H 8H 12H 1D 7D 31D):

Note: Default schedule is 1D (once every 24 hours at midnight)

  1. ssh to the Eyeglass appliance.
  2. Login as the admin user.
  3. Enter the command:

igls admin schedules set --id InventoryReport --interval <interval>


igls admin schedules set --id InventoryReport --interval 12H

Custom Schedule

To change the SyncIQ Job Report Schedule to a custom schedule (for example, to change the schedule to run at 09:00 every day).

  1. ssh to the Eyeglass appliance.
  2. sudo su to root user (default admin password 3y3gl4ss).
  3. cd /opt/superna/sca/data
  4. Make a backup of the file we are going to edit:

cp sync.xml sync.xml.bak

  1. vi sync.xml
  2. Update the line that starts with the tag <InventoryReport so that cron string is correct for the interval you would like the report to run at.  Example below to run the report daily at 09:00:

<InventoryReport IsConfigurable="true" Label="Eyeglass Reports">0 9 * * *</InventoryReport>

  1. Save your changes.
  2. Restart the Eyeglass sca service:

systemctl restart sca

Modify SyncIQ Job Troubleshooting Thresholds

SyncIQ Job Troubleshooting Thresholds are the factors used when comparing SyncIQ Job Report data to the 30-day average data to determine whether a Troubleshooting notification should be posted.  There are 2 thresholds configured:

  1. Transfer Rate Threshold

The 24 hour Transfer Rate Troubleshooting notice is posted when the 24 hour Transfer rate is less than the 30 day Average Transfer Rate / Transfer Rate Threshold.  By default, the Transfer Rate Threshold is 2.  Thus SyncIQ Job Troubleshooting notice is posted when the 24 hour Transfer Rate is less than 50% of the average Transfer Rate over the last 30 days.

  1. Interval Threshold

The 24-hour Interval Troubleshooting notice is posted when the 24-hour Interval is greater than the 30-day Average Interval * Interval Threshold.  By default, the Interval Threshold is 2.  Thus SyncIQ Job Troubleshooting notice is posted when the 24 hour Interval is more than double the average Interval over the last 30 days.

To Change the Troubleshooting Thresholds:

  1. ssh to the Eyeglass appliance.
  2. sudo su to root user (default admin password 3y3gl4ss).
  3. cd /opt/superna/sca/data
  4. Make a backup of the file we are going to edit:

cp system.xml system.xml.bak

  1. vi system.xml
  2. To update the Transfer Rate Threshold, edit the line that starts with the tag <transferatethld>.

 Example below to change to 3 - meaning Troubleshooting message only posted when Transfer Rate is less than of the average 30 day Transfer Rate:


  1. To update the Interval Threshold, edit the line that starts with the tag <intervalthld>.

Example below to change to 5 - meaning Troubleshooting message only posted when Interval is greater than 5 times the average 30-day Interval:


  1. Save your changes.
  2. Restart the Eyeglass sca service:

systemctl restart sca

Modify SyncIQ Job Report Time Range

SyncIQ Job Job Report Time Range is the number of hours SyncIQ Job Report data is analyzed from the time the report is run. By default the last 24 hours from the time the report was run are analyzed.  To customize the Report Time Range:

  1. ssh to the Eyeglass appliance.
  2. sudo su to root user (default admin password 3y3gl4ss).
  3. cd /opt/superna/sca/data
  4. Make a backup of the file we are going to edit:

cp system.xml system.xml.bak

  1. vi system.xml
  2. Edit the line that starts with the tag <reporttimerange> .

 Example below to change the Report Time Range to 12 hours (value in hours):


  1. Save your changes.
  2. Restart the Eyeglass sca service:

systemctl restart sca

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