Product Release RoadMap
- Overview
- READ ME First - How to use this information
- Cloud Native Software
- Defender for AWS
- Potential Next Release
- On premise Software
- DR Manager for PowerScale
- Potential Next Release
- Zero Trust API
- Ransomware Defender
- Potential Next Release
- Enterprise Airgap
- Potential Next Release
- Easy Auditor
- Potential Next Release
- Golden Copy
- Potential Next Release
- Golden Copy Cloud Browser for Data Mobility
- Golden Copy Archive Engine
- Potential Next Release
- Search & Recover
- Potential Next Release
- Performance Auditor
The software releases and features listed below are subject to change at any time. Superna offers no guarantee regarding any specific feature or timeline on a specific release. This is provided "is is" without any warranty of any kind.
READ ME First - How to use this information
- All release information is subject to change in Superna's sole discretion. A feature on this page is not guaranteed to be delivered. No timeline is available on any given feature.
- Information on this page is confidential and should not be re-shared or published
- This information is for paid licensed customers to gain a view of upcoming features they can leverage.
- This information also allows customers to request follow up on product offerings and capabilities listed on this page to help with mapping business requirements to our feature roadmap.
Cloud Native Software
Defender for AWS
Potential Next Release
- FSx for Windows user lockout support with AD integration
- Cyber Recovery Manager for Object data recovery using object versions 3.1.0 Release
- Phase II - leverage AWS backup service to restore data automatically from and active event
- SaaS Portal integration
- SaaS portal is new dashboard to see your cloud and on premise Superna products in a concise simple to dashboard that summarizes your current data protection status.
On premise Software
DR Manager for PowerScale
Potential Next Release
Application Driven Autonomous Failover (“ADAF”)
- Application Driven Autonomous Failover (“ADAF”) is a combined software and API driven solution that enables host-to-storage based fault monitoring then automatically alerts, initiates and monitors automated PowerScale storage failovers through a combination of technologies listed in the Solution Components section.
- Concurrent Access Zone failover allows selecting one or more zones to be failed over in parallel without needing to re-open DR Assistant
- 2FA authentication via email integration within the GUI and CLI
- Line numbers on failover logs
- Read only role for all products within Eyeglass
- New quota failover solution based on OneFS 9.3 or later import and export configuration. It will offer faster failover of quotas.
- Containerized Eyeglass services to align with ECA architecture. Future integration to run Eyeglass as a container within the ECA cluster itself to offer HA of Eyeglass within the ECA cluster itself.
Zero Trust API
Potential Next Release
- Webhook support for Ransomware Defender, Easy Auditor alerts. 2.5.12 Release
- Dedicated configuration of forwarding and sending real time webhook alerts to 1 or more target URL's for SIEM integration
Ransomware Defender
Potential Next Release
- Simplifying settings tab with defaults only and hiding settings used only for advanced configurations
- Export Event History to CSV files for external review of detections
- Mass Delete Detector from Easy Auditor ported to Defender for ECS. Detects mass delete of objects.
- SaaS Portal integration with ability to control email alerting rules by product and by alarm within the SaaS portal
- Cyber Recovery Manager for Object data recovery
- Defender for Object with split data and management deployment to allow security guard to specify specific ip address for data access
Enterprise Airgap
Potential Next Release
- Airgap for object with support for CAS to CAS replication plugin
- Airgap for object with Vault Agent ethernet interface control to enable interface down up controls to open and close the vault.
- Enterprise Airgap for Powerscale with random airgap start time within a replication window. The random start time is per job and a window of time example 4 hours is specified. The job will start somewhere within the 4 hour window.
Easy Auditor
Potential Next Release
- Active Auditor triggers will enable failed event types to allow creating triggers when user actions failed to complete due to ACL's blocking the action. Example would be data deletion actions (files or folders) can generate failed audit event that can be used as a trigger for real time notifications. 2.5.12 Release
- Easy Auditor query builder to add email list to email the report to a list of emails. These emails do not need to be added to notification center and allows on demand or scheduled reports to be emailed to select users or group emails.
- Multi-tenant Easy Auditor
- Access Zone level auditing can be delegated to AD users with the zone role assigned and a list of access zones mapped to the role.
- The data browsing UI limits the user to see data under authorized access zones
- The user must have at least 1 SMB share with read permissions within each zone before they will be allowed to audit any data within the zone. This is determined by AD group membership on SMB shares.
- Triggers are not available to zone administrators due to the possibility of mis configuration causing many alerts. This functionality is blocked.
Golden Copy
Potential Next Release
- Point in time Restore
- GUI option to leverage version based recall. This allows a simply GUI to select a path of data from the backup and select a data from a calendar interface and Golden Copy will automatically locate object versions that match the requested point in time.
- Simplified controls require only entering a date. Advanced option to select day and time are also available.
- Point and click point in time restore
- Auto retry job support for recall
- If data fails to restore for any reason it will be tracked and a new job at the end of the current recall job will spawn and retry only the failed files. This is already supported and enabled for backup jobs to retry failed files only.
- Auto retry tree walk jobs
- During the tree walk phase to locate files to backup, API errors , network issues can cause part of a tree walk to fail. Golden copy tracks all these failed folders and will now automatically spawn a retry of the treewalk of the failed folders
- Metadata file indexing and Searching
- Indexing of all data copied, processed by Golden Copy to allow searching for the location of data the versions of data based on file name, date stamps, metadata , including advanced metadata content aware extraction feature that exposes file metadata in the object properties.
- Example locate all image data with a resolution of 3000x4000 pixels
- Indexing of all data copied, processed by Golden Copy to allow searching for the location of data the versions of data based on file name, date stamps, metadata , including advanced metadata content aware extraction feature that exposes file metadata in the object properties.
Golden Copy Cloud Browser for Data Mobility
- End user power tools to allow Browsing a cloud S3 data repository and copy or move data to on premise storage on any SMB share the logged in user has access.
- Email notification of data job completion
- Pick any folder under any SMB share cluster wide to move/copy your cloud data
- Enables Movielabs 2030 in 2023 and simplifies content editing workflows.
Golden Copy Archive Engine
Potential Next Release
Policy based workflows that allows criteria based treewalk and archive (move data) 1.1.15 Release
- Support for AWS Deep Archive transparency which allows data to be "tagged" for the AWS Deep Archive storage class without needing life cycle policies in AWS.
- Transparent recall allows Archive Engine to handle the AWS Deep Archive API recall step and then monitor the recall jobs in AWS before restoring data on premise and email the logged in user about the data's availability
- Initial release on CLI configuration support and last modified data stamp criteria using months or years to target data for recall.
- HTML stubs with portal login will be added in a future release to show users data has been removed from the current folder
Search & Recover
Potential Next Release
Simplified Search product launch
Single VM vertical scaled to enable reporting, chargeback.
Targeted as administrator only tool for data reporting based on quick reports
No support for content indexing, data classification, snapshot indexing, user login and searching.
Brings job view, pause resume, cancel , active work on hand GUI and CLI
GUI Searching, API searching will support multibyte languages
2 Byte language searching with CSV download
Performance Auditor