Software Releases Publication

Current Release - Release Notes Data Insights

Release Date

These Release Notes cover the Superna Eyeglass Search and Recover product. 

Release table

What’s New in Superna Data Insights  (08/06/2024) 

Release 1.2.1-24021

Features and improvements

  • Distributed Jobs for Indexing: Implemented distributed jobs for meta and content indexing, allowing progress tracking for each task post BFS-walk. Job status is now displayed with greater precision. 
  • Enhanced Job Cancellation: Improved job cancellation for indexing; cancelled jobs will not resume after a cluster restart. All subsequent steps will be cancelled, while files already in runtime will be processed to completion. 
  • Search Filter Functionality: The search filter by "File Path" now correctly processes both ‘\’ and ‘/’, eliminating the need for manual replacements. 
  • Scheduled Tasks Management: Unknown tasks in the scheduledTasks.json configuration file no longer trigger a restart of the task master. 
  • Performance Enhancements: Indexing performance has been improved by approximately five times. A new variable has been introduced to adjust performance based on system hardware. 
  • Kafka Configuration Adjustments: Updated kafka properties to enhance memory allocation and batch expiration time. A new variable is available for manual adjustment of these settings. 
  • Support for openSUSE: We support openSUSE Leap 15.5 in this release.

Fixed in 1.2.1-24021

  • Memory Optimization: Reduced memory consumption for meta and content indexing processes. 
  • Kafkahq Settings: Moved kafkahq settings from custom to default configuration, eliminating the need for manual setup. 
  • Report Accuracy: The "What's Growing Old?" report no longer displays negative values. 
  • Search Functionality: The search filter by "File Path" now correctly processes queries with a trailing '/'. 
  • User Interface Stability: Resolved issue causing a blank screen after removing filters from the search bar.
  • Content Indexing: Files are now indexed for content immediately after the ingestionworker is restarted. 
  • Download Options: Users can now download CSV or CMD files when a filter is applied in the search bar.
  • Data Growth Display: The display for "How Fast Is My Data Growing" no longer results in a blank screen.
  • Folder ID Display: The folderId is now displayed correctly, regardless of the format of the ID value. 
  • Kafka Lag Handling: Resolved infinite loop issues for kafka lags exceeding the defined thresholds. 

What’s New in Superna Eyeglass Search  (07/27/2023) 

Release 1.2.0-23173

What’s New! In Superna Eyeglass Search can be found here.

Fixed in 1.2.0-23173

SRCH-396 Twice the number of files are content-indexed

  1. index folder has 40 subfolders and 10,240 files in total

  2. job done and folder stats show:



What’s New in Superna Eyeglass Search  (05/26/2023) 

Release 1.2.0

What’s New! In Superna Eyeglass Search can be found here.

Supported OneFS releases








End of Life Notifications

End of Life Notifications for all products are available here.

Deprecation Notices

No deprecation notices at this time.

Support Removed in this Release

Support removed for OneFS 8.0.x.x and 8.1.x.x releases.

New in this release - 1.1.8-22082

Refer to New in previous 1.1.8 releases.

Fixed in this release - 1.1.8-22082

T23067 S3 indexing of object names and properties not working

In 1.1.8, indexing of S3 objects is not working.

Resolution: S3 indexing of objects is now available with the exception of Azure (see T13180).

New in this release - 1.1.8-22050

Refer to New in previous 1.1.8 releases.

Fixed in this release - 1.1.8-22050

T20988 Incremental index for multiple folders does not run when Search is managing multiple Powerscale clusters

For a search deployment with multiple PowerScale clusters, incremental index will only run for 1 of n folders configured.

Resolution: Incremental now runs when Search is managing multiple PowerScale clusters.

New in this release - 1.1.8-22037

Refer to New in previous 1.1.5 releases.

Fixed in this release - 1.1.8-22037

T16115 Admin Group configuration allows user login and search

With Admin Only Login Mode configured and AD Groups configured as administrator or simply with AD Group configured as administrator, non-admin user (users not in AD group) login and searching is incorrectly still allowed.

Resolution: Admin Only Login Mode now restricts the login to users or members of AD group or local user configured as administrator. No login allowed for any other account.

T21075 snapshotmonitor mode is not working

snapshotmonitor mode to index snapshots related to an added folder is not working in current build. Nothing is saved to the index.

Resolution: snapshotmonitor mode is now working. Video with overview on indexing snapshot and recovery can be found here.

T21174 File System Browser Tree is not filtered based on End User Security configuration

The File System Browser tree is exposed to end users but not filtered based on End User Security. This exposes the file system structure to end users.

Resolution: File System Browser is now only visible to administrators.

Technical Advisories

Technical Advisories for all products are available here.

Known Issues


T9420 Search does not return results for some non Latin or Cyrillic based languages

Search has been found to not return results for some non Latin or Cyrillic based languages such as: Japanese-Kanji Script

Workaround: None available

T9421 Search may return extra results where multiple different language files indexed

For the case where files of multiple languages have been indexed, a search may incorrectly return extra files not related to the search criteria. 

Workaround: None required.

T9731 Administrator Override Path Search Syntax Issues

For a user logged into search that has been configured with Administrator Override privileges, the Advanced Search "File Path" has following syntax issues:

1. Cannot search on /ifs or /ifs/. This wil return and error or 0 results.

2. For all other paths, the path entered with a trailing slash will return 0 results.


  1. Do not search on /ifs path.
  2. For all other paths, enter in the File Path field without the trailing slash - for example: /ifs/data/path1

T9832 Index Folder Last Modified timestamp may not be updated

A change to a file directly under a folder that has been defined as a search index folder will not update the folder last modified timestamp. Folder last modified is correctly updated if change is made in a subfolder of the index folder.

Workaround: The Last Modified time for files directly beneath the folder is available.

T9894 Indexed files with special characters may not be searchable

Indexed files containing special characters ~@#$%^&()_+`-={}[];',. may result in error searching or return an incomplete search set (see T9895).

Workaround: None available.

T9895 Incomplete dataset displayed on GUI after indexing error

Indexing error such as described in T9894 may result in incomplete dataset or duplicates returned to GUI when searching.

Workaround: None available.

T10196 Search time reported may not be the total elapsed time

The search time that is reported in the user search GUI is the time for Search and Recover to complete it's query. For the case where there are multiple concurrent queries in progress, some queries may be queued and in that case the search time displayed may not reflect the actual elapsed time.  

Workaround: None required. Plan to include reporting both elapsed and query time in a future release.

T10269 Search csv and cmd writer download may not contain records in same order as GUI

The csv and cmd writer download may not display search results in the same order that they are displayed on the GUI. This may be of particular notice when not all records are downloaded.

Workaround: Download all search results to see all and use spreadsheet sorting and filtering to order results.

T10270 Search results may be duplicated when scrolling through multiple pages or in csv download

In retrieving a large search result, some records may be displayed multiple times while scrolling through results or in downloaded csv.  

Workaround: None required.

T10289 Search Advanced Search Filter "File Title" may return unexpected results

When using the "File Title" Advanced Search filter, results may return extra files or unexpected files that do not completely match critera.  

Workaround: When searching for "File Title" use complete filename including extension and also specify the extension in the extension filter.

T10435 % in share name blocks Search

Unable to search if there is a share name on the cluster that includes a % special character  

Workaround: None available

T12079 Page count on report applied to subsequent reports

Total page count for a report that is run may be applied to a subsequent report. For example a What's Growing Old report is run and returns 61 pages of results. Navigate to last page of the report. Re-run the What Growing Old report with different criteria that return less results. The previous total pages applied and returns with message:  61-10 of 10, no matching record found

Workaround: Use result navigation tools to return to first page.

T12568 Reset button does not reset previously entered options for In the last... and Older than... and File Size

An Advanced Search option entered for Last Accessed, Last Modified or Created At and In the last... or Older than.. or File Size filters does not return to default setting after Reset. The previously entered value is preserved.

Workaround: Refresh browser or Log out and log back in.

T12715 csv download of results has data in incorrect columns

When search results contain names with spaces or names with multiple languages, the results may be shifted and in this case will not appear in correct column.

Workaround: Review result in Search GUI for any information that cannot be determined from csv.

T13325 Advanced Search Option File Path does not support wildcard searches

An Advanced Search for file path using * to define the path (example /ifs/data/project* ) does not return results.

Workaround: Specify full path for file path searches.

T13389 Created At/Last Accessed/Last Modified filters not cleared when changing from 1 option to another.

Change a filter on a report from one of Created At/Last Accessd/Last Modified to another option. The period changes back to 1 month but the report is run against period from previous filter.

Workaround: Reset query parameters and then re-enter Created At/Last Accessed/Last Modified filters.

 T13407 Not able to find 0 Byte files with Quick Reports

Specifying an Advanced Search option for Quick Reports with 0B  specified for min and max size does not find 0B files.

Workaround: Use regular search with Advanced Search 0B file size options to find 0B files.

T13611 User search does not work for all clusters for multi-cluster deployment

For the case where multiple clusters have been added into Search, User based searching will not work for all clusters. This does not affect searching by administrators, they are able to see results from all clusters.

Workaround: None available.

T17392 ZoneUNC not displayed properly for multiple clusters

If Search configured to index from multiple clusters, ZoneUNC configuration may not be displayed properly in the Search Results window.

Workaround: None available

T20553 What's Growing Old Quick Report default incorrect after filter reset

After selecting the Reset button on the Advanced Search criteria for the What's Growing Old report, the default is displayed as Last Modified/Older than... but the report is generate with Last Modified/In the last...

Workaround: Refresh the browser after a Reset of Advanced Search Criteria.

T20555 Quick Report Graphs may be inaccurate

Under some circumstances, the Quick Report graphs are inaccurate or missing elements.

Workaround: Tabular results should be used to review the data.

T21037 Who Owns What and Show me the types Quick Report error when sorting by average file size

If the Advanced Search criteria Sort by Average File Size is selected, the Who Owns What and Show me the types reports do not complete and display the error "Error occurs in graphQL request".

Workaround: Select a different sort by option and then download the results to csv. Import the csv to a spreadsheet and execute the sort function in the spreadsheet.

T21038 Search scheduled test function does not handle more than 1000 records

Testing the scheduled report function where report contains more than 1000 records does not complete and blocks subsequent searches.

Workaround: Refresh browser.

T20811/T21350 File Pool Policy is not cluster aware

For a search deployment with multiple PowerScale clusters managed, the File Pool Policy filter does not get associated to the cluster where it is configured. Incorrect File Pool Policies may be listed when a cluster is selected and report may have incorrect results.

Workaround: None available.

T21033 Searching content in index with special characters returns incorrect results

If searching for a string in the content index where the string contains a special character such as a dash (- ) or underscore (_) the results returned will be incorrect.

Workaround: Search content with the portion of the string that does not contain the special character.

T21035 Quick Report result selector not cleared after Quick Report is closed

If a Quick Report is generated and a record in the result table is selected (click the check box), the next report that is generated the same record in the result table will be selected.

Workaround: Close the report and refresh the browser.

T19694 How fast is my data growing Quick Report blank screen

If the filter defined for the How fast is my data growing Quick Report does not contain any search results a blank screen is displayed.

Workaround: Refresh browser window to recover.

T21586 API error stops incremental job

Under some conditions, an API error to the Powerscale will stop the incremental job.

Workaround: Contact for assistance.

T21635 Modifications to File Pool Policy are not recognized

Modifications to a file pool policy are not recognized even after the Search inventory job has run. This will result in old criteria being used in determining search results.

Workaround: A restart is required to recognize the changes. Contact for the proper procedure.

T22085 File System Browser is not available

The File System Browser window cannot be used because the File System Path Selector does not expand.

Workaround: None Available. Plan to fix in a patch release.

When Can I delete my worm lock data report hangs when using Show me the files

If you use the Show me the files option for the When can I delete my worm lock data report, the GUI freezes.

Workaround: To use the GUI again you must exit from current session and open a new session.

T22713 GUI becomes unresponsive after selecting multiple results from time based reports

For the time based reports What's growing old, When can I delete my worm lock data, How fast is my data growing after selecting multiple rows for "Show me the files" the GUI becomes unresponsive.

Workaround: To use the GUI again you must exit from the current session and open a new session.

T22759 Report Pie Chart reporting on low or no results

Report pie charts incorrectly show 0% for no matches rather than no display and 0% when the match is less than 1%

Workaround: None required.

T19924 Snapshot indexing for SNAPSHOT_ONLY folder is not available

In 1.1.8, configuring a folder as SNAPSHOT_ONLY to only index from snapshot is not available.

Workaround: Indexing live data and associated snapshots is available in 1.1.8.

T22315 Scheduling for search on snapshot index not available

If a schedule is created for a search using search previous versions to search the index for files from snapshot, the scheduled search comes back empty.

Workaround: None available.

T22316 Search Previous Versions results missing Snapshot Name

If a schedule is created for a search using search previous versions to search the index for files from snapshot, the Snapshot Name column is empty.

Workaround: None available.

T23162 Search index of /ifs folder also indexes snapshot folder

If search index is configured for the /ifs folder, even with the /ifs/.snapshot/** exclude configured the index job incorrectly indexes folders in the snapshots folder. Impact: Unnecessary indexing and storage of records.

Workaround: Configure index folders below /ifs folder.

T13180 Cannot add Azure for S3 object indexing

The Azure target cannot be added to Search. The target does not get added and an exception is displayed.

Workaround: None available.

T23449 A snapshotmonitor job ignores includes/excludes options

Snapshotmonitor jobs do not respect the includes/excludes configuration on the parent folder. Impact is that extra files are stored in the index.

Workaround: None available.

T23444 Who owns what report does not report on files with no owner

If a file is added to the index without an owner, the Who owns what report does not report on those files. Object indexing from AWS for example does not include an owner in the index.

Workaround: Use adhoc searching.

T23446 How fast is my data growing report does not display File Size graph

The How fast is my data growing report has tabular results for File Size but does not display them in the graphical view.

Workaround: Use the tabular results to review the file size distribution.

SRCH-244 snapshotmonitor job fails to run

NullPointerException when running snapshotmonitor job

SRCH-243 incremental job cannot be run on schedule 

incremental job cannot be run on schedule

SRCH-317 No search results when using auth-type SHARE_ACL

No search results when using auth-type SHARE_ACL

DO-831 Jobs history disappearing  

  • When upgrading search vm from previous releases to 1.2.1 version, the job history is empty post upgrade

  • Workaround: NONE

  • NOTE: Before upgrading system, pls run this command ‘searchctl jobs history’ and save the results

DO-840 Incremental Ingestion Job Fails at Snapshotmonitor Processing Stage

  • If Snapshot Monitor is configured for a folder in search vm, then incremental ingestion job fails at step “Processing Snapshot Monitored paths”. Impact of this error is file recovery feature will not work for search 1.2.0 and 1.2.1 builds

  • Workaround: NONE

DO-826 Grafana Stats Not Visible on UI

  • Post upgrade to search 1.2.1 build, Grafana UI may not show any statistics.

  • WORKAROUND: Use ‘docker ps’ and 'ecactl stats' to view stats related to nodes

File Recover

T13292 Recover File in error when file name selected contains non US-ASCII characters

Using Recover File functionality for files where file name contains non US-ACII characters results in error and file not recovered.

Workaround: Use Search functionality to search indexed snapshots to determine which snapshot contains file to be recovered and then use manual restore from snapshot procedure from PowerScale.

T22317 Powerscale name truncated in Recover file dialog

In the window that opens when you recover a file, the Powerscale cluster name in the Destination Folder is missing character(s) at the beginning of the name.

Workaround: None available.


T19578 Classification Report includes all tags for matching files

If the files that match the tag(s) specified in the Classification report have other tags, all tags appear in the report instead of just the tags that were specified. Impact: Low - Additional information appears in the report that was not requested.

Workaround: Results can be downloaded and filtered externally if required.

T22069 Data Classification test command cannot be used with files with single or double quotes

The search classification test command does not work if the file that is being tested has single or double quotes and prints an Invalid Syntax error. Impact is to testing only. The actual classification of files with spaces and special characters does not have an issue.

Workaround: For classification testing use files without single or double quotes in the name or path.

T22384 Issue when deselecting tags in the Classification pick list

With multiple tags selected in the Classification pick list, if you deselect one it may deselects that last one you selected instead of the one you clicked on. Impact: A tag may unexpectedly be deselected. If you have a long list this may be a tag that you currently do not have visibility to.

Workaround: Refresh your browser to clear selections.

T22388 Classification pick list is not sorted

The Classification pick list is not sorted. Impact: It may be difficult to locate a specific tag when there is a long list.

Workaround: Scroll down the list as provided to find the required tag.

T22391 Classification tags not removed

Under some circumstances, when a classification tag is removed using the searchctl classification remove command, the Classification pick list is updated to remove the tag but the tag is not removed in the index itself. Impact: Low - Classification pick list does not provide the option to search on the tag that was removed.

Workaround: None available.

T22402 Issues with Classification report with multiple tags selected

A Classification report that is filtered for multiple tags joined with an AND has the following issues:

- The report will show one of the criteria - not the combined criteria - in the table but the count / size of files reported is accurate. Impact: All criteria are not visible in the report.

- Show me the files will disregard the combined criteria and show all files for a single criteria. Impact: Files that do not match the combined criteria appear in the file list

Workaround: Download the results from show me the files and filter externally.

T22410 No Classification stats for errors

There are no statistics available to identify errors that occur during classification. Impact: No indicator available to identify missing classification tags.

Workaround: None available.

T22836 Classification tags do not support Unicode characters

Classification tag with Unicode characters cannot be added. Impact: With this issue tags language specific characters cannot be added.

Workaround: Tag on subset of string without the Unicode character(s).

T22867 Classification test command does not work with OneFS 9.3

The search classification test command returns an error when the test file is on OneFS 9.3. Impact: Regex expression cannot be tested with test files on OneFS 9.3 Powerscale cluster.

Workaround: Some testing of regex can be done with external tools. Once configured in Search sample files identified for correctness.

Security and Access

T9654 Unable to login and search using run as root user

Cannot login to search GUI with run as root user even if share has run as root user permission configured.

Workaround: None available

T13595 - SHARE_ACL mode does not work if folder name contains non US-ASCII characters

SHARE_ACL security mode cannot be used for folders with non US_ASCII characters.

Workaround: None Available.

T21286 Configuring Data Owner Search Administrator metadata-only option not working

The metadata-only option for configuring a data owner search administrator with the searchctl settings adminaccesslist command does not work. If you set metadata-only to true no search results are returned.

Workaround: Ability to configure data owner search administrator for meta-data and content searching is available. No workaround for the meta-data only option.

Configuration and Management

T9524 Deleting folder does not remove associated snapshots on PowerScale

If a folder that has been added for indexing is subsequently removed from Search and Recover, the associated snapshot alias and snapshots are not deleted from PowerScale. 

Workaround: Prior to deleting the folder, take note of the folder ID using the command:

searchctl folders list

There will be 1 snapshot alias and 2 snapshots present on the PowerScale related to this folder.  To identify the related snapshots, the naming convention followed is:

iglssrch-<folder id>

where <folder id> is the id returned from the searchctl folders list command.  

Once identified, the snapshot alias and snapshots should be deleted manually.

T9856 DOMAIN\user format results in error when configuring Administrator Override

When configuring Administrator Override using command

searchctl settings admins add --name

entering --name using format DOMAIN\username will result in an error.  

Workaround: Use format or user SID for the --name parameter.

T10214 PowerScale cluster may become unlicensed after stopping and starting Search

After stopping and starting Search, the License information may not be retrieved properly leaving the PowerScale in an unlicensed state and no indexing being performed.

Workaround: Contact for assistance with this issue.

T10485 Newly added folder indexed files do not show up in search results

A newly added folder will not show up in search results until the Search inventory task has run.

Workaround: Run the Search inventory task manually by ssh to the Search cluster node 1 and run the command "searchctl PowerScales runinventory" 

T10533 After disk usage crosses alarm threshold indexing must be manually restarted

By design when disk usage threshold is crossed indexing is paused. However once disk usage falls below threshold again indexing is not automatically resumed.

Workaround: Container responsible for indexing must be manually restarted. Contact for assistance.

T10589 Search Folder Stats missing error stat for content indexing

When an error occurs in indexing a file for content, the folder stats may only show the error for the meta-data component of indexing instead of also showing error for content indexing.

Workaround: None available. If error occurred on meta-data component of indexing, no content indexing will be performed.

T9458 Zoneunc command is case sensitive to Access Zone name for non-System Access Zone

When configuring Zoneunc using command

searchctl settings zoneunc add

if the --zone option does not have Access Zone name matching Access Zone name case in PowerScale for non-System Access Zone, login will fail.

Workaround: Ensure that --zone option uses exactly same case as is provisioned in PowerScale.

T10957 searchctl jobs view --follow output may not display issue

For case where searchctl jobs view --follow results in large output the screen may not display complete output.

Workaround: None available

T13520 filerecovery settings command missing view option

The command used to enable & set file recovery mode does not have an option to view existing settings.

Workaround:  Please open a support case for assistance in viewing settings.

T22086 System Monitoring window is not available

The System Monitoring window is not populated accurately and should not be used.

Workaround: Use native operating system tools to assess Search CPU, RAM etc.

T20951 Cannot set filerecovery mode

The command to set the filerecovery mode for recovering a file from snapshot returns a Validation error...  when used.

Workaround: None available.  The default filerecovery mode NO_OVERWRITE_AND_RESTORE will not overwrite existing file and will create a restore file with the prefix igls-restored.

T23445 Path picker does not expand

The path picker control for reports and adhoc searches does not expand to see all sub directories.

Workaround: Manually enter the path.

T8052 Browser Issues

IE 11 - Banners and Headings in GUI not aligned

Workaround: None available

T10234 Some Language specific characters may not be displayed correctly in csv download

There may be some language specfic characters that do not display correctly in the csv downloaded version of the search results.

Workaround: None available.

T10235 Advanced Search chips may not all display in search bar

When Advanced Search filter criteria are applied to a search, "chips" to indicate that filtering is in place are added the main search bar. In the case where there are several filter criteria defined, it may be that not all "chips" will be visible in the main search bar.

Workaround: Expanding the browser window may allow all chips to be displayed or expand the Advanced Search window to view all filters.

T10975 Search session may not be terminated after upgrade

The Search session(s) that are open on upgrade may not be automatically terminated resulting in some changes not being available in current session.

Workaround: In this case all sessions that were open prior to upgrade must be terminated manually and reopened before continuing with any additional commands. 

T13406 Advanced Search chip for Cloudpool status not displayed for reports

If a Cloudpool Status advanced search option is selected for a report, the associated chip does not display in the GUI.

Workaround: Expand the Advanced Search options to see what was selected.

T21073 Phone home may fail when archive folder path contains characters 'id'

Phone home may file if there is an archive folder configured path that ends in 'id' - for example: /ifs/data/patientid

Workaround: None available.

T19765 Fail to add cluster consumes Search license

If a cluster fails to be added to Search, a license is still consumed by this cluster.

Workaround: Contact for assistance.

T21428 Search Schedule GUI requires refresh to update

After adding new schedules, modifying schedules, scheduled search run the Search Schedule GUI is not updated.

Workaround: Refresh browser to update the information in the GUI.

T21562 Path selector does not handle long paths

The path selector in the GUI scrolls to the right and hides the submit button if navigating a folder tree with long paths.

Workaround: path can added manually into the field.

T21588 File Path Selector is not refreshed

The File Path Selector does not always refresh after making a selection in one report and selecting a path for a different report.

Workaround: Refresh browser tab.

T22858 Search GUI shows Golden Copy Interface

Due to browser caching, login to the Search product GUI may display the Golden Copy GUI.

Workaround: Hard clear the browser cache or login using incognito.

SRCH-352 Not able to add Azure as S3 target

Not able to add Azure as S3 target

SRCH-358 Full index job can delete records from solr database

When the full index job runs and the INDEX_WORKER_SOLR_QUERY_CHECK variable is set to true, there is a case where records can be erroneously deleted from the solr database.

Workaround: set INDEX_WORKER_SOLR_QUERY_CHECK to false in eca-env-common.conf and restart.

SRCH-402 Unable to authenticate Isilon without Basic Auth enabled

Basic authentication is required to use the external API for the search product.

Known Limitations

T9530 Files in linked folders cannot be indexed for full content

Files that are in a folder on the PowerScale that is sym-link to another folder cannot be indexed for full content due to the fact the PowerScale snapshots refer to physical path and sym-linked folders cannot be differentiated.

Workaround: Linked folders can be indexed for meta-data.

T10290 Modifying folder index definition takes effect next full or incremental index

If the folder index definition in Search & Recover is modified (for example to change fullIncludes or metaIncludes) the change will only take effect on the next full or incremental index. If the folder definition was modified while a full index was in progress, it would not take effect in that current job but the next job (full or incremental) that starts.

Workaround: None required.

T10306 Error creating incremental ingestion job loses data from that interval

If an error occurs creating the incremental ingestion job, the changes which occurred during that interval are not processed or picked up in the next interval.

Workaround: None required - next modification of file will pick up all changes.

T10434 Changes to share used for authentication or in search results requires Search inventory and new session to take effect

A change to the name or permissions of a share that is related indexed will require effect:

1) Search inventory task must run (runs daily at midnight)

2) Must open a new Search GUI session. Changes do not take effect on current GUI session for either permissions or share display.

Workaround: None required - Inventory can be run manually by ssh to the Search cluster node 1 and run the command "searchctl PowerScales runinventory"

T10548 Indexing zip file may exceed maximum index file size

On index of a zip file, even if the zip file itself falls below maximum file size for indexing once extracted for indexing it may exceed maximum file size and will be unable to be indexed. There is no recording of error on this indexing error.

Workaround: Consider whether zip files need to be indexed for content, if not they can be excluded from content indexing.

T10723 Login to Search GUI with local user with language specific characters in name fails

The Search GUI login fails when login user is a local user name with language specific characters.

Workaround: None available

T10725 Change in File Owner only is not picked up during Incremental indexing

A change in the file owner property of a previously indexed file will not be updated as part of incremental indexing if this is the only change.

Workaround: Change to content of the file will result in update to meta-data including change to file owner.

T18849 Scheduled Report Max Limit

The maximum number of records in a scheduled report is 50,000.

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