Operations Guides
Replication Policy Failover - All policies

Replication Policy Failover - All policies

To assist use the failover log browser view to map each table to the correct section of the guide.

Failure to Complete StepDescription of Impact to FailoverRecovery StepsSpecial Instructions or Warnings Or Data Loss Impact
Replication Policy Failover all policies

One or more of the SyncIQ policies in the Failover job did not successfully complete its failover operation.

This is the parent task containing all sub policies.

  1. Use the table in the next section to determine why the SyncIQ policy did not successfully failover and address the issue.
  2. Use the Job Details for the policy failover jobs to determine if at least one policy has successfully executed the step named CLUSTERNAME allow writes POLICY PATH.
  1. If yes: the source cluster is failed over. To recover, create a new failover job of type Sync IQ, select all of the policies that failed or did not run, and start the SyncIQ failover job.
  2. if no: the cluster is not failed over yet.  After fixing the error for the SyncIQ policy, start a new Access Zone Failover job.
  3. NOTE: SyncIQ policies that return error from the cluster will require EMC support case to be opened to resolve policies that will not start or run resync prep or execute make writeable operations 

This is a parent step containing sub-steps for each replication policy. Recovery from a failure in this step depends on how far the failover proceeded through the child steps.

Some steps should be reviewed for data loss impact.

Replication Policy Failover <Policy Name>

Note: On Eyeglass, step names in the following table contain actual name of the cluster(s) and the policy name.  These have been replaced with SOURCE, TARGET, and POLICY in the steps below.

To assist use the failover log browser view to map each table to the correct section of the guide.

Failure to Complete StepDescription of Impact to FailoverRecovery StepsSpecial Instructions or Warnings OR Data Loss Impact

The target cannot be put into writes allowed state.  

NOTE: as of 1.6 all policies involved in a failover job, are issued the make writeable command before Re-sync prep is executed.

NOTE: as of 2.0 an attempt to execute make writeable  is made against all policies in the failover even in the case where 1 or more have an error on this step.

Failover fails (only on releases <2.0).

  1. Validate connectivity between Eyeglass and the target cluster.
  2. From the OneFS UI, manually allow writes again for policy that failed on the target. Address any errors that may arise on OneFS from this step.
  3. NOTE: SyncIQ policies that return error from the cluster will require EMC support case to be opened to resolve policies that will not start or run resync prep or execute make writeable operations
  4. For any policies where allow writes was not attempted due to an error, manually allow writes for those policy that were not run.
  5. If this is a controlled failover, manually run resync_prep on the policy on the the source cluster.
  6. If this is a controlled failover, manually set the schedule on the mirror policy.
  7. Consider this policy job as a success, and relaunch failover according to the logic in the previous table.
  8. (once Resync prep is completed) Manually run related Quota Jobs from Eyeglass or contact support to use post failover quota sync tool.
  9. NOTE: SyncIQ policies that return error from the cluster will require EMC support case to be opened to resolve policies that will not start or run resync prep or execute make writeable operations
Data Access Impact - Users will only have access to read-only data for any policy where allow writes failed or was not run due to error.


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