Note: Dual delegation switches DNS automatically with networking failover available in Access Zone Failover
nslookup SmartConnect zone name
Confirm the ip address returned is the target cluster ip pool
Repeat for all SmartConnect zones that were failed over
If incorrect then update target cluster by using isi command to create the missing alias on the ip pool
If ip returned is still the source cluster, then rename source cluster SmartConnect zone name to ensure dual delegation will not use this cluster's DNS service to answer queries
Refresh session to pick up DNS change
SMB Client unable to access data on Failover Target cluster despite successful failover and DNS Updates and session refresh
Check SPNs using ADSI Edit tool and confirm that
Failover Source Cluster - SPN for SmartConnect Zone that Client is using does NOT exist.
Failover Target Cluster - SPN for SmartConnect Zone that Client is using DOES exist.
If above condition is not met, using ADSI Edit to update SPN to be on correct cluster.
You cannot create a missing SPN on the Active Cluster if it still exists for the Failed Over cluster. You need to remove from Failover Over cluster first and then add to active cluster.
SMB Direct Mount Shares
Dual delegation updates DNS but requires clients to remount and query DNS to get a new cluster ip address
net use //sharename /delete
net use //sharename
Or use map network drive in Explorer
NFS mounts
Dual delegation updates DNS but requires clients to remount and query dns to get a new cluster ip address
umount -fl /path of mount -a (reads fstab file and remounts, does force and lazy unmount to handle open files)