Administration Guides
How to Change PowerScale IP Address in Eyeglass

Edit PowerScale IP Address in Eyeglass

Overview of Steps


During this procedure, there will be an Eyeglass service interruption.  Any configuration items added / updated / deleted on the source will not be synchronized to the target until the procedure is completed.

  1. Prepare Eyeglass for the IP address change by disabling configuration replication.  
  2. Change the IP Address on the PowerScale Cluster itself.
  3. Update Eyeglass for the new IP Address information.
  4. Prerequisite: Networking between Eyeglass and the new IP address must be setup.
  5. Enable Eyeglass configuration replication.


  1. Prepare Eyeglass for IP address change by disabling configuration replication.
  • Log into Eyeglass web page.
  • Click Jobs to open the Jobs window.
  • First disable all configuration replication jobs
    • Select all configuration replication jobs.  You can use the checkbox at the top of the Job Name column.
    • Scroll down the Job list and confirm that all Jobs have the State User Disabled.
    • Note: If a Job is already in Policy Disabled state because the related SyncIQ policy is disabled, it will remain in this state. Eyeglass also does not run configuration replication for Jobs that are Policy Disabled so this state is OK to proceed with the Edit IP address procedure.
    • Select Select a bulk action.
    • Select Enable/Disable.
Disable replication task using Eyeglass shell
  • Open the Jobs window and select the Running Jobs menu.  If there is a Configuration Replication Job with Status RUNNING, wait for this job to complete.  When it is completed, the Status will be FINISHED.  
  • Once Configuration Replication Job is FINISHED, click Eyeglass Main Menu.
  • Enter the following command: igls admin schedules set --id Replication --enabled false
  • Open the Jobs window again and select the Running Jobs menu. Again, confirm that there is no Configuration Replication Job with Status RUNNING.  If there is,  wait for this job to complete.  When it is completed, the Status will be FINISHED.
Change the PowerScale Cluster IP address.
  • This procedure is outside Eyeglass.
  • Update Eyeglass with new IP address information.
  • Prerequisite: Networking between Eyeglass and the new IP address must be setup.
    • Login to the Eyeglass web page.
    • Click Inventory View
    • Right Click your desired cluster
    • Click Edit
    • Enter the new IP address in the SmartConnect Service IP field and Submit.
    • IMPORTANT!  Once you Submit, you cannot Edit the IP address again without having run the Eyeglass Replication Task at least once.

Enable Eyeglass configuration replication
  • Enable one configuration replication Job.
    • Select one configuration replication Job.
    • Select: Select a bulk action, Select: Enable/Disable
    • The Job State updated to last known state
  • Wait for next Replication Task to begin (within 5 minutes will start).
    • Check the status of the Configuration Replication job from the Jobs Running Jobs window.
    • The Job should run without any error related to unknown source or target.
    • If no errors, enable remaining Configuration replication jobs.
  • Procedure complete

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