Administration Guides

DR Failover Considerations



The license keys are attached to a read write cluster:

  1. License keys are bound to a cluster.
  2. The DR cluster will require NFS exports created.
  3. The DR cluster may have a different path for the same content found on the source cluster, since SyncIQ allows changing the target path on the DR cluster.
  4. The DR cluster will require adding the folder paths to the configuration.
  5. License keys cannot be moved to DR clusters without opening a request to sales, only DR copy of source cluster data will be considered for a license key move.  The move is a permanent move of the license. 
  6. Limitations:
    1. The original indexed files from the production cluster will still be found in the index, new or changed content on the DR cluster will be ingested.  
    2. This means the same document Prod and DR will be returned in results, since the file uniqueness is based on the absolute path from /ifs to the file.
    3. The results will show the prod cluster  modified date as being older and the DR cluster version being newer.
    4. Deleting a file on DR will NOT delete the reference to the file in the index from the Prod cluster, if the absolute path is different between prod and dr clusters.  
    5. File Delete when the path on prod and dr is the same the index will remove the file from the index.
    6. Secure Access to the old cluster will not be possible for end users.
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