Administration Guides

DR Dashboard for DR Test mode:


DR Dashboard:

From DR Dashboard, we can see the state of DR type Jobs. Different states that the Jobs can be in are :

  1. Entering DR Testing : When Enable DR test mode is initiated from DR Assistant and job is still running, its state is “Entering DR Testing”.
  2. Target Writable : When DR Testing job finishes its “Entering DR Testing” phase, it will end in the “Target Writable” status.
  3. Exiting DR Testing : When Disable DR test mode is initiated from DR Assistant and job is still running, its state is “Exiting DR Testing”.
  4. Target Read-Only : When DR Testing job finishes its “Exiting DR Testing” phase, it will end in  “Target Read-Only” state.

Note : Entering DR Testing” and “Exiting DR Testingare transitory states, they exist only during the execution phase of a DR Testing job. The stable states of the DR Testing jobs are:

  • Target Writable”, which involves disabling the policy corresponding to the current job and allowing writes on target destination.
  •  “Target Read-Only”, where the policy attached to the current job is re-enabled and writes on the target destination are disallowed.
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