Eyeglass All Product Installation and Upgrade Guides Publication
Import Eyeglass Probe to UIM Infrastructure Manager Archive

Import Eyeglass Probe to UIM Infrastructure Manager Archive

To import Eyeglass Probe to the UIM Infrastructure Manager Archive:

  1. Login to the UIM Infrastructure Manager.
  2. Expand the Archive folder and select the hub which is running the Robot where the probe will be deployed.

Hint:  For the Eyeglass Probe, select the hub which has a Robot that has IP connectivity to the Eyeglass appliance.

  1. The list of existing probes archived on this hub is displayed.  Click on the right mouse button in this main window pane.
  2. Select the Import option in the menu that opens.

Figure 2 UIM Infrastructure Manager Archive Import Package

  1. Select the probe package that you would like to add to the archive and then select the Open button.

Figure 3 UIM Infrastructure Manager Archive Package Selection

  1. The package(s) are added to your archive and appear in the main window pane for the hub.

Figure 4 UIM Infrastructure Manager Archive Package List

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