Eyeglass All Product Installation and Upgrade Guides Publication
Eyeglass Clustered Agent vApp Install Guide (Ransomware Defender for ECS)
- Overview
- ECA Cluster Sizing and Performance Considerations
- Firewall Requirements
- ECS Setup Steps
- Example of a configuration with 6 ECA nodes
- ECA Setup Steps
This guide covers installation of the ECA VM's to protect Dell ECS storage. A unified Isilon/Powerscale and Dell ECS installation is also possible. This guide covers unified and standalone deployment. The ECS to ECA forwarding supports Active passive processing with HA and backup ECA VM processing.
This guide should be followed after ECA deployed for Isilon or Powerscale or if deploying ECA nodes for ECS only.
ECA Cluster Sizing and Performance Considerations
- A single 3 VM ECA cluster can protect up to 4 ECS clusters
Firewall Requirements
NOTE: All other ECA Ransomware Defender ports are required in addition to the ports below.
Port | Direction | Comments |
rsyslog TCP 514 | ECS --> ECA VM's (all 6 VM's) | Each ECS node requires these ports open |
HTTPS TCP 443 TCP | Eyeglass --> ECS management IP | needed for API access from Eyeglass to managed ECS nodes |
ECS Setup Steps
NOTE: The syslog path is not related with the ECS version (choose the one with valid syslog output)
ssh to ECS cluster:
cat /var/log/vipr/emcvipr-object/dataheadsvc-access.log
cat /opt/emc/caspian/fabric/agent/services/object/main/log/dataheadsvc-access.log
Setup the correct log path ("File" tag in ECS syslog configuration)
This procedure must be replicated on each ECS node:
Create an rsyslog file at /etc/rsyslog.d/push-dataheadsvc-access-log.conf following the example below with the following edits:
logged as admin:
Run command:
sudo vi /etc/rsyslog.d/push-dataheadsvc-access-log.conf
two instances of Target="ip_address" with the IP address of your ECA nodes 2 and 3 respectively (yellow highlight). The first line (node 2) will be the active listener.
The second line will take over if the first ECA VM is down.
Tag="vdc1" will need to be updated if you change the name of your VDC
#$DebugFile /home/admin/rsyslog.debug
#$DebugLevel 2
module(load="imfile" PollingInterval="1") #needs to be done just once
ruleset(name="ecsaccesslogs") {
action(type="omfwd" Target="" Port="514" Protocol="tcp")
action(type="omfwd" Target="" Port="514" Protocol="tcp"
action.execOnlyWhenPreviousIsSuspended="on") stop
input(type="imfile" ruleset="ecsaccesslogs"
Restart the rsyslog process for the changes to take effect
sudo systemctl restart rsyslog
Check the rsyslog process status:
sudo systemctl status rsyslog
NOTE Mandatory: Repeat the above rsyslog configuration on each ECS node in the ECS cluster.
Example of a configuration with 6 ECA nodes
#$DebugFile /home/admin/rsyslog.debug
#$DebugLevel 2
module(load="imfile" PollingInterval="1") #needs to be done just once
ruleset(name="ecsaccesslogs") {
action(type="omfwd" Target="" Port="514" Protocol="tcp")
action(type="omfwd" Target="" Port="514" Protocol="tcp"
action(type="omfwd" Target="" Port="514" Protocol="tcp"
action(type="omfwd" Target="" Port="514" Protocol="tcp"
action(type="omfwd" Target="" Port="514" Protocol="tcp"
action.execOnlyWhenPreviousIsSuspended="on") stop }
input(type="imfile" ruleset="ecsaccesslogs"
Tag="vdc1" Severity="info"
ECA Setup Steps
- ECS forwards syslog messages to the ECA VM's running syslog
- Make sure the turboaudit syslog server is enabled in eca-env-common.conf before cluster up:
- Login to eca node 1
- nano /opt/superna/eca/eca-env-common.conf
- Add variable below line to the file
- export RSW_ONLY_CFG=true
- control+x and yes to save
- If the cluster is running shutdown and restart
- ecactl cluster down
- ecactl cluster up --skip-validation
- done.
- Complete Licensing and remaining configuration following the guide here.