Administration Guides

Advanced Quota Replication


Customers with large numbers of quotas can leverage new features to better manage quota protection, failover and inventory functions.  Large quota count above 5000 quotas should consider the following new features.

  1. Quota Inventory Collection job - Move quota inventory to new scheduled inventory task to speed up share/export change detection job, and allow failover configuration sync function to be faster without the need to collect quota's. NOTE: Failover of many quotas will still take a long time.  Best Practice is to use DR assistant option to skip quota failover.  Open a case with support to use command line option to failover quota's after a failover that skipped quotas during the failover.
    1. How to Enable  quota inventory collection  
      1. igls admin schedules set --id QuotaInventoryCollection_2_5_3 --enabled true
      2. check the schedule igls admin schedules
      3. NOTE:  Default quota collection inventory schedule is every 12 hours.  Change the schedule to collect quotas more often if required.
  2. Pre Sync Quotas  - Warning:  many quotas on DR PowerScale WILL slow down replication performance of SyncIQ.  This should be understood and factored into the decision to enable this feature.   This option allows quota's to be synced on the normal Configuration replication job that runs every 5 minutes.  This will treat quotas like shares and exports and will create new quotas or update existing quota's every 5 minutes and sync the quota to other DR cluster.  This pre-stages the quota before failover and allows the quota scan job to complete before failover.   This options is only supported on Onefs 8 clusters.   This can overcome quota failover issues when quota scan job causes SyncIQ steps to fail during a failover.  It will also help address failover and failback scheduled with 1 or 2 days between failover and back.
    1. How to Enable presync Quotas
      1. Defaults to disabled
      2. ssh to appliance as admin
      3. vim /opt/superna/sca/data/system.xml
      4. find the tag <quota_presync_on_interval>false</quota_presync_on_interval> in the <process> section
      5. change false to true
      6. save the file
      7. restart the sca
      8. sudo -s
      9. enter admin password
      10. run command systemctl restart sca
      11. Done.
      12. NOTE: Once this is enabled, quota's will be synced during normal configuration sync task.  If quota inventory schedule is set, quota's will be synced during quota collection task AND configuration sync task.
      13.  NOTE:  Quota will be Created, Updated if changed, AND deleted from the target cluster with this setting enabled.
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